Chapter 1118 War Between the Powerful 3
Ye Jin was next to her, adding tea or putting on a fluffy cotton coat. Nalan Yue, who had no cultivation, was no different from ordinary people. She was afraid of the cold, and more importantly, the mainland would become extremely cold every winter.

"Yue'er, shall we go to a warm place to recover our strength?" Ye Jin couldn't help but suggest.

"I'm afraid it won't work..." It's not that Nalan Yue doesn't want to, but her body has become very strange since she lost her cultivation, and she is very lethargic. She almost failed to wake up several times.

In order not to make them worry, Nalan Yue did not tell them the truth, lest they worry.

Just like now, drowsiness swept over again, Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue tightly, using pain in exchange for wakefulness, but this time she had a premonition that if she fell asleep, she might not wake up again in a short time.

She has to explain what's next.

Ye Jin was about to ask her why she couldn't do it, but then she heard Nalan Yue's voice said very quickly, "Now you must remember every word I said..."

There was a trace of anxiety in her eyes, and she looked at several people with a serious expression, everyone fell silent immediately, even Ye Jinye swallowed the words in her mouth, and looked at her for no reason.

"I may be falling into a deep sleep, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up. I will give you the space bracelet, which contains the people I brought in the realm. If possible... Ye Jin, I hope you can temporarily include them in Shura Dian, don't have to worry about me." Nalan Yue said a lot, until the last word, she could no longer resist the onslaught of drowsiness, and fell asleep directly on the table.



Ye Jin rushed over immediately, turned her face anxiously, touched her head and breathed, but it turned out that she really just fell asleep.

"Yue'er? Yue'er?" Ye Jin called Nalanyue a few times, but there was no response. His eyes were closed, and the long curled eyelashes cast light blue shadows in the eye sockets, as if he was extremely tired.


Nalan Yue's lethargy really did as she said, she didn't wake up for a long time, not only that, her body was also surrounded by a circle of golden light, if anyone approached, she would be counterattacked.

Dazzling golden light circulated around her body, and at the same time, it blocked Nalan Yue so tightly that it was difficult for people to see what was going on inside.

Ye Jin also seemed to be crazy these few days, trying to break the golden light, but every time she was hurt all over by Jin Guangda.

In the end, Fengchu, Meng Luo and the others couldn't stand it any longer, they held back together, and couldn't help persuading, "Yejiu, calm down!!"

"Calm down! Why do you tell me to be calm? We don't know what Yue'er is doing now!" Ye Jin was like a lion running away, her eyes were red, and even though she was being pulled, she kept rushing towards the golden light.

"This golden light is extremely powerful, and it's still coming from the boss, so there must be no danger." Murong Qing'er calmly analyzed, "Ye Jin, please calm down."

"I can't control that much!" Ye Jin broke free from the confinement of the few people, and once again rushed towards the golden light like moths flying to the flame.

"Ye Jiu—" Feng Chu and the others exclaimed, rushed over and grabbed him again.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Outside the door, Ye Wuzun's voice was filled with anger.

Before they had time to turn their heads, they immediately saw an afterimage passing by, grabbing at Ye Jin who was desperately rushing into the golden light, Ye Wuzun frowned, raised his hand and slashed at the back of his neck, " You're going to piss her off."

(End of this chapter)

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