1119 - Chapter 1
Ye Jin didn't forget to give him a vicious look before she fell into a coma, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Pfft!" Feng Chu couldn't help laughing out loud, especially seeing Ye Jin's unconvinced eyes.

Ye Wuzun heard this laughter, his eyes swept away lightly, his expression was not angry but mighty.

Feng Chu immediately remembered what Venerable Ye Wu said just now, "Don't disturb her", quickly shut up, and together with Meng Luo lifted Ye Jin up and sent her into the room.

After they left, Ye Wuzun stood there, staring at Nalan Yue who was surrounded by golden light, making it hard to understand what he was thinking.

"That..." Murong Qing'er hesitated, but still asked worriedly, "Dare to ask the Venerable, the boss..."

Before Murong Qing'er finished asking, Ye Wuzun said coldly, "She's fine, and she'll be fine!"

That's good!With the guarantee of a great doctor like Ye Wuzun, Murong Qing'er can finally put her heart in her stomach.

"But, why is Boss still surrounded by this golden light instead of waking up?" Murong Qing'er was silent for a while and couldn't help asking.

"Purify the aura."

"Aura? So the boss's strength is already recovering?" Murong Qing'er obviously ignored the word "purification" before, and couldn't help but exclaimed, the joy in her voice couldn't be concealed.

As if feeling that her voice was a bit loud, Ye Wuzun frowned again, turned his head and glanced at her, and said displeasedly, "Be quiet."

Uh... Murong Qing'er also closed her mouth resentfully, not daring to ask any more questions, anyway, as long as she knew that the boss' aura was recovering, it would be fine.

half a month...

a month...

Two months have passed...

Nalan Yue still didn't show any signs of waking up, and the golden light didn't dissipate, it seemed that she would sleep forever.

This made each of the little friends look down. It would be fine for a few days, but if they still don't wake up after such a long time, they will inevitably have to worry or think wildly.

Ye Wuzun came here as usual, always standing in front of Nalan Yue for a long time, but did nothing, as if he just came to inspect.

On this day, Ye Jin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stared at Ye Wuzun, "How is Yue'er? When will she wake up?"

"Soon..." Venerable Ye Wu still gave such an erratic answer as before.

"How long has it been?" Ye Jin gritted his teeth, his handsome face was already ferocious, Feng Chu and the others were afraid that he would fight Ye Wuzun, so they hurriedly grabbed him.

"The longer she sleeps, the purer the aura will be." Ye Wuzun glanced at him lightly.

"You mean spiritual energy purification?" Ye Jin's slender phoenix eyes flashed a trace of astonishment.

Ye Wuzun raised his thin eyeballs, said, "Yes." Then he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Ye Jin stood there in shock. As the name suggests, the evolution of aura is to evolve and purify aura, leaving a purer aura for his own use.

That is to say, Nalan Yue's spiritual energy will be several times stronger than that of ordinary people. It can be said that she can instantly kill people of the same level even if they have different stars.

Different from Ye Jin's shock, Feng Chu and the others were discussing what Venerable Ye Wu said just now, "Why do I think the Venerable is saying that the longer Yueyue sleeps, the better it will be for her!" Feng Chu Squinting her peach blossom eyes, she spoke out her thoughts.

"I think so too..." Murong Qing'er stroked her chin and nodded thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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