Chapter 1125 Lan Xin'er's fate 1
After finishing the work, Ye Jin put the Mermaid Tears Necklace that she had lost that day on her neck again, and held her face very domineeringly, "Don't lose it again!"

"How do you know that I lost it, not me?" Nalan Yue looked at his domineering look, and couldn't help but tease him.

Sure enough, Ye Jin's face completely darkened.

"Okay, okay, just kidding..." She did accidentally drop the necklace. Nalan Yue held the cool blue mermaid tears and said curiously, "It is said that the tears of mermaids will turn into pearls. How could this be like this?"

Ye Jin snorted lightly, "Only mermaid tears that fall on the ground will turn into pearls."

"So, this mermaid tear was collected before it landed?"

"That's it..." Ye Jin nodded, stared at her face, and continued, "And the mermaid tears that have not turned into pearls can bring good luck to people."

"This girl feels that her luck has always been very good!"

Nalan Yue couldn't help raising her eyebrows, revealing a row of teeth that looked like shellfish.

"Narcissism." Ye Jin evoked a smile, but suddenly seemed to think of something, frowned, looked at her a little hesitant to speak.

Nalan Yue looked up suspiciously, looked at what he wanted to say but didn't know what to say, but Nalan Yue guessed something from his expression, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to say something about your That inexplicable conversation with Ziyou before?"

Ye Jin nodded, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Nalan Yue.

"I know all about it." If she hadn't run away that day in a panic, perhaps these things would not have happened in the future.

"???" Ye Jin looked like "the dog has finished talking", and didn't understand how she knew.

Nalan Yue sighed softly, and then said, "When I was sleeping, I heard Feng Chu whispering in my ear, he said, you can't tell me because you have difficulties... Actually, in the final analysis, maybe I didn't trust you enough before. you."

"I'm not good enough, I didn't explain clearly." Ye Jin also self-criticized.

"Okay." Nalan Yue smiled at him and got up from the bed, "Didn't it mean that the college is going to be on holiday, so let's pack up quickly."

Qinglong Academy only has a holiday in July. During this time, students who have been away from home for a year can go back. Of course, students who don't want to go back can also stay in the academy.

When Nalan Yue and Ye Jin were packing their things, Murong Qing'er and the others also came, and they all showed joy when they saw Nalan Yue woke up.

"Boss, you have been sleeping for half a year, you miss me so much!" Murong Qing'er rushed over and gave Nalan Yue a big hug.

"You've become heavier again." Nalan Yue couldn't help teasing her after not seeing her for a long time.

"Boss!!" Murong Qing'er frowned.

Nalan Yue winked at her, "Could it be that she's pregnant?"

"Boss, I want to kill you, can you!"

" have to ask Ye Jin about this." Nalan Yue showed a sly smile.

Murong Qing'er snorted twice, then looked at Ye Jin, but unfortunately the latter only gave her a cold look, as if to say: If you dare, I will kill you first!

Such a ferocious two people are a perfect match!
"Boss, why don't you go back to Chu with me during the holiday?" Murong Qing'er rolled her eyes, immediately hugged Nalan Yue's arm affectionately, glanced at Ye Jin provocatively, humming, humming you Wife abducted, let's see how arrogant you are.

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and gave her a weird look, "Honey, do you think I will give up on the beautiful boy and go home with you?"

"The boat of friendship turned over in an instant..." Murong Qing'er immediately vomited blood, as if she had been severely hit.

"But I can swim..." So it doesn't matter if you turn over.

Enough is enough!Boss, you win!
(End of this chapter)

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