Chapter 1126 Lan Xin'er's fate 2
In this midsummer season of July, most of the students of Qinglong College have already started to leave school.

The gate of Qinglong College was almost filled with all kinds of luxurious carriages, crowded with people, students in twos and twos, chatting and laughing, making an appointment to meet again next month.

Murong Qing'er waited for a few friends, their family's carriage arrived a few days ago, at this time Murong Qing'er was holding Nalan Yue's hand, reluctant to part, "Boss, you really don't want to go to Chu with me? "

She had finally found a partner who used to fight side by side in this other world, and now she had to part with her unexpectedly, and she was really reluctant.

"Don't worry, if there is nothing wrong with Huaguo, I will take Ye Jinfengchu to find you."

"Boss!!" Murong Qing'er seemed a little embarrassed, glanced at Feng Chu and hurried back to the carriage, not planning to greet Nalan Yue anymore.

The carriage left quickly.

Looking at the carriage, Feng Chu shouted, "Qing'er, I'll see you in a few days!"

Of course he also wants to go with her now, or keep her, but the name is not right, he must at least tell his parents about it, and then bring her over in a fair manner.

"Wait for you!" Murong Qing'er raised the curtain and waved at him.


The people gradually dispersed, even Meng Luo and Li Zi left, and Feng Chu went back in the family car.

Nalan Yue looked at the empty entrance of Qinglong Academy, there was only a luxurious royal carriage here, needless to say, it wasn't here to pick her up anyway!
Of course, this was prepared for Ye Jin.

Nalan Yue couldn't help laughing at herself, "It seems that I, a loner, can only ride the car."

"I'm so happy." Ye Jin glanced at her gently with lowered eyebrows, then took her hand and walked towards the carriage.

Before they reached the carriage, another two carriages that were no less luxurious than the carriages dedicated to the royal family rushed towards them. The horseshoes galloped forward, and then three people jumped out of the carriages.

"Master." The guardians on the left and right clasped their fists at Ye Jin respectfully.

But Lu'er, the only girl among the three, ran towards Nalanyue excitedly, "Miss, miss!!"

"Lu'er?" Looking at her figure and the people in front of her eyes, Nalan Yue immediately understood, and couldn't help but asked Ye Jin, "Did you call them?"

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to know about the holiday of Qinglong Academy, and even if they knew, it would be impossible for them to know the exact date of the holiday.

"Yes, yes, King Jin was afraid that Miss would be lonely and no one would pick her up, so..." Before the excited Lu'er could finish speaking, Ye Jin gave her a cold look.

"Booty." Ye Jin didn't even look at her, and dragged Nalan Yue into their carriage, and the royal carriage could only leave resentfully.

After all, it is not a matter of a day or two that King Jin doesn't want to see people in the royal family, and everyone understands it.

But Nalan Yue's heart was like honey, with a smile on his face, he quietly glanced at the man beside him, he knew that he had no real relatives on the mainland, so he let Lu'er and the others come.

After the two got into the carriage, before the carriage could leave, another carriage came galloping, this time it was the carriage of the prime minister's residence.

Nalan Yue raised the door curtain with her hand, stood in front of the carriage, and said to the groom indifferently, "I'll take Ye Jinde's carriage."

After finishing speaking, just as Nalan Yue was about to leave, he saw a figure slowly coming out of the carriage on the opposite side. Nalan Jue, who hadn't seen him for a long time, had aged a lot and his back was bent. He cleared his eyes and stared at Nalan Jue blankly. Lanyue.

(End of this chapter)

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