Chapter 1128 Lan Xin'er's fate 4
Lan Xin'er yelled while trying to escape, "Nalan Yue, how can you be so vicious!"

Throwing her, a realm saint, to a group of people who hate the realm, then her fate can be guessed with her toes.

Nalan Yue listened to her words and glanced at her indifferently.

At this time, the group of people had already tightly surrounded Lan Xin'er, all showing cold smiles.

"Hey, isn't this a saint who is high in the domain, but I didn't expect that she is not even as good as Zi Zi, anyone can go up!"

"If it weren't for the scandals in Yujing being exposed, we really wouldn't know that the saint is just a woman of lust."

"Today, brothers, please treat her well!"

"The shame that Yujing gave me, today I must find it on you."

A group of people nodded at Nalan Yue, and dragged Lan Xin'er away automatically, so as not to dirty their eyes here.

"Ah, don't...let me go..." Lan Xin'er struggled desperately, unwilling to leave, tears fell down without money, she looked a bit pitiful.

"Nalanyue, I hate you. Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you remember it for me!!" In the end, her eyes were red with hatred.

Nalan Yue glanced at her indifferently, and ordered coldly, "Hurry up."


After the person left, only the old woman whom I saw in the realm didn't move, but sighed softly, "You are really his apprentice because you act so hot."

Nalan Yue pursed her lips, stared at her, and did not answer the words.

Instead, the old woman took two steps towards her and said, with a gleam of light in her cloudy eyes, she looked at her pleadingly, "Can you take me to see your master."

"No." Nalan Yue said coolly.

"Why?" The old woman couldn't help but frowned, "I'm your master's junior junior sister, so I'll give you my name."

"You can clearly go to the master by yourself, so why do you want me to take you there?" Nalan Yue's eyes were sharp, as if she could see through her thoughts, and she sneered, "I'm not interested in being a shield for others."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Yue went to the Shura Hall with Ye Jin without even looking at her.

At the beginning, it was because the old woman proved that she was Master's junior junior sister—Bingxue.She had only reluctantly brought her out, but now she still wanted to let herself take her to see the master. If there was any unpleasantness between the two of them, she could easily push it on herself.

She, Nalan Yue, didn't have the time to take care of this matter, and the matter of skipping the grade exam has not been settled yet... It's really worrying!
The ice and snow old woman stayed where she was in a daze, raised her hand to touch her old face, and couldn't help shedding tears. If it wasn't for having stronger medical skills and being worthy of Ye Wu, how could she have strayed into the realm by mistake? He was imprisoned for so many years.

But now, she has no strength, her face is aging rapidly, and she is no different from an old woman in her [-]s or [-]s, but Ye Wu, he...he should not have changed at all.

Now she is ashamed to appear in front of him, she originally wanted to use Nalan Yue as a cover, hoping to sneak a few glances at him, but who knew that Nalan Yue was so smart that she saw through her purpose.


Lan Xin'er finally died.

Nalan Yue saw how she looked when she died, she was extremely embarrassed, there was hardly a piece of intact flesh on her body, her face was ruined, and there were traces of being violated on her body, the bruises and bruises were shocking.

One can imagine how much this group of people hate Domain Realm!
When she died, those eyes were never closed, revealing terrible hatred, and the eyelashes were still wet.

(End of this chapter)

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