Chapter 1129 Lan Xin'er's fate 5
One can imagine how much this group of people hate Domain Realm!
When she died, those eyes were never closed, revealing terrible hatred, and the eyelashes were still wet.

It made people feel chills at the bottom of their hearts, and for no reason they remembered what she said before, even a ghost would not let Nalanyue go!

Heh, let alone whether there is such a thing in this world, even if there is her, Nalan Yue has never been afraid of it!

But Ye Jin was different, he would never allow anything to endanger Nalan Yue's safety, his long eyes were drooping, and a faint blue flame suddenly jumped out of his palm, reflecting his extremely cold profile.

With a backhand, he hit Lan Xin'er.

Immediately, her body was surrounded by terrifying blue fire.

"Heavenly fire??" Nalan Yue couldn't help exclaiming when she saw the flame. The flame was blue, and it was clearly the number one "blue flame" on the mainland.

It is said that this fire can burn a person's soul completely, making her completely disappear between the heaven and the earth. Simply put, it makes that person even unable to be a ghost!

So vicious!

But why does she feel so relieved?
The blue flame finally burned Lan Xin'er into nothingness, and turned into a few wisps of green smoke that dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Nalan Yue looked at the wisp of green smoke, a hint of sneer appeared on the corner of her lips, and then her eyes fell on the group of people, "Since you have avenged your revenge, then let's leave it alone."

"Princess..." The guardians of the left and right were immediately shocked by her decision. You must know that these alchemists are all moving wealth, not to mention that they also know the real location of the Shura Hall.

They were about to say something, but Ye Jin stopped them and gave them a look, "It's okay."

The meaning couldn't be clearer, let Nalan Yue toss, anyway, it's not like his Shura Hall can't maintain without these alchemists.

"This..." There was a longing light in the eyes of this group of people, but it quickly disappeared, and they said in unison, "Our life was saved by a benefactor, and we will not leave."

"Right, that is it……"

"Won't leave!"

"It seems that you don't understand what I mean." A smile crossed Nalan Yue's face, and he was very satisfied with their current performance, and continued, "Give each of you a month to deal with your own affairs. Go back to Shura Hall."

They had just come out of the realm, and they must be returning home, but she suddenly fell asleep, so Nalan Yue also gave them a vacation in a very humane manner.

In fact, this is buying people's hearts in disguise!
Sure enough, almost everyone's faces showed joy, and they were not all lonely, so they naturally wanted to go back to see their families and report that they were safe or something.

"Thank you my benefactor."

"That's how it is." Nalan Yue nodded, and told everyone to go back to find their respective mothers, while she and Ye Jin got back into the carriage and started on their way back to China.

"Aren't you afraid that they'll all run away?" In the carriage, Ye Jin was half lying there lazily, but his eyes fell on Nalan Yue's face.

Nalan Yue took a sip of tea before saying, "Since I've done everything, I'm not afraid of them running away."

"Master just likes your confident appearance." Ye Jin narrowed her eyes, leaned into her body, and kissed her bright red lips.


Huaguo, the imperial city.

The streets were bustling with crowds of people, peddlers yelling everywhere, and carriages galloped all the way to King Jin's Mansion.

After arriving, Ye Jin led Nalan Yue out of the carriage gracefully, with a comfortable posture as if strolling leisurely in the lotus pond, and the bright sunlight at noon fell on the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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