Chapter 1130 Lan Xin'er's fate 6
Although I haven't been back for a long time, King Jin's Mansion is still the same as before. The lush green bamboos make a pleasant "rustling" sound, and overlapping and swaying bamboo shadows fall on the ground.

At this time, it was time for lunch, and the servants of King Jin's Mansion had already finished their work, and stacks of side dishes with all kinds of color, fragrance and taste were placed on the table.

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin took their seats.

After lunch, the old butler next to him came up respectfully and handed over an invitation card, "My lord, His Majesty is hosting a banquet tonight, and I specially invite you and the princess to go with me."

"Not interested." Ye Jin spit out three words without even looking at the invitation.

"This..." The old housekeeper held up the invitation card, he either gave it or not, and finally he could only turn to Nalan Yue for help.

"But I'm not interested either..." Nalan Yue shook her head, but did not accept the invitation.

The butler at the side couldn't help wiping off his sweat. In the past, the prince was difficult to serve, but now it seems that the princess is also difficult to serve.

"It's just that not being interested doesn't mean you won't go." Immediately afterwards, Nalan Yue changed his voice and took out the invitation card from the old housekeeper.

"Is it because you don't like this kind of banquet?" Ye Jin couldn't help raising her eyebrows as she looked at the invitation card in her hands.

Nalan Yue looked away from the invitation card, and sneered lightly, "As for me... I just went to show my affection!"

"Oh?" Show affection, this is good!Ye Jin suddenly became interested, raised her hand and waved the old housekeeper away, then circled her from behind, and whispered in her ear, "I just don't know how to show off?"

"What do you think..." Nalan Yue pushed him away, but instead pressed him against the wall, with a coquettish smirk on his face.

Ye Jin did not show weakness, and stretched out her long arms to hug her soft waist even tighter, "I am looking forward to it."


As night falls, the moon is bright and the stars are twinkling.

The high palace walls, brightly lit inside and outside, illuminate the entire palace brilliantly, and faint music can be heard.

"King Jin, bring Princess Jin to..."

Standing at the palace gate with a male duck voice, he shouted loudly, which was really ear-piercing, and many people looked towards the luxurious carriage.

Although Ye Jin and Nalan Yue were not married, the imperial decree had already bound the two of them, and in the eyes of everyone, they seemed to be husband and wife.

A white jade-like hand stretched out from the door curtain of the carriage, with distinct joints, lifted the dark purple curtain, and Ye Jin's slender and handsome figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Afterwards, he did not put down the door curtain, but waited for Nalan Yue's beautiful figure to come out, and then put it down.

The two stepped out of the carriage in unison, like a couple of gods and gods.

Nalan Yue wore a water-blue long dress today. When the night breeze blew, her long skirt moved slightly, as if the blue sea waves were rippling in front of her eyes. A natural picture scroll.

Especially the girl's eyes, calm and bright, brighter than the stars, thick eyelashes, full of aura, as if she could speak, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her thin lips.

Because of her presence, everything around her instantly dimmed. In the afternoon, the ladies from the official family, who were laughing and comparing their clothes just now, looked at such a bright and charming Nalan Yue, and fell silent for a moment.

And Ye Jin is also wearing a blue robe today, and the dark blue makes him even more tall and handsome, making the women present unable to take their eyes off for a long time.

These two people can kill everyone in an instant with their looks, but they also rely on their strength. One is the apprentice of Ye Wuzun, the number one master in the mainland, and the other is the current prince.

(End of this chapter)

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