Chapter 1131 Lan Xin'er's fate 7
Of course, if they knew that Ye Jin was still the apprentice of the principal of Qinglong Academy, they might be even more surprised. .
Seeing them walking hand in hand, the onlookers hurried over, flattering them all, as if they had honey on their lips.

But this time Ye Jin didn't chase anyone away, and led Nalan Yue slowly towards the palace gate.Because, he likes what they say - "King Jin and Concubine Jin are so well matched", "They are simply a match made in heaven".

"Huh? Isn't that the prince's carriage?" At this moment, someone shouted out of nowhere and successfully diverted everyone's attention.

They stared at the prince's carriage gossipingly.

Once upon a time, the matter of Nalan Yue's resignation to the prince caused a lot of trouble, and everyone knew that the prince hated Nalan Yue.

But now, he is not only Ye Wuzun's apprentice, but also the beautiful Princess Jin. From where can I see that the current Nalan Yue is no longer an existence that the prince can compare with!

Prince Ye Feng, who was dressed in a yellow robe, got out of the carriage with a cold face. He thought that the reason why these people came to curry favor with him, but now he realized that it was because Ye Jin and Nalan Yue were also there.

These people are just watching a joke.

Especially now that Nalan Yuemei is in a mess, and there is a big backer behind Ye Wuzun.


I really regret...

Night Breeze looked at Nalan Yue with a gloomy expression and was extremely unwilling.After finally looking away, holding back his anger, he said to the people on the carriage, "Come down soon, is it possible that I have to wait for Ben Gong to invite you to come down?"

The prince's voice was neither loud nor soft, as if he had no intention of saving face for the people inside, which made everyone guess who the people inside the carriage were.

Some people said that it was the concubine the prince just married, or else it was the concubine just married... But no one mentioned that person!

That's right, she's just a lowly concubine, she doesn't even have the qualifications to be mentioned!
Nalan Yue also stopped, glanced at the carriage, with half a smile in his eyes, as if thinking of who was inside.

Inside the carriage, Nalan Yuben heard whispers outside, saying that Nalan Yue and King Jin were also there, and for a moment Nalan Yu forgot where she was and forgot to get off the carriage.

Her eyes were full of hatred, it was all Nalan Yue's fault that she got to this point!

If Nalan Yue hadn't hurt her so much in the imperial city competition, how could she have ended up as a concubine? If there were no such things, she would have been able to enter Qinglong Academy, maybe now she would be Ye Wuzun's apprentice, Enjoying the envious eyes of everyone.

The more Nalan Yu thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She even subconsciously ignored the prince's low growl asking her to get off the carriage.

"Are you going to get down!!" It wasn't until Night Breeze yelled at the carriage again that Nalanyu woke up like a dream, put away the hatred in his eyes, and hurriedly lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage.

The carriage was unusually high, and if she jumped off like this in a long skirt, her posture would definitely be indecent, and she might lose all her clothes, but she didn't even have a concubine to step on her back.

For a moment, Nalan Yu froze on the carriage, and she couldn't help but blushed.

Night Breeze was on the sidelines, not intending to intervene to help, just watching her coldly.

And the people present, when they saw Nalan Yu, some didn't react and thought it was the prince's new side concubine, but when they looked at it, they found that something was wrong, and they always felt that the girl looked very familiar.

Like... like the big girl from the prime minister's family...

(End of this chapter)

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