Chapter 1154 Five Poisonous Flower Seeds 2
Nalan Yue's nonchalant gesture made her seem rather stingy, without the slightest magnanimity.

Wei Ning clenched her fists, a ruthless light flashed in her eyes, even if she is not the real young master, she will definitely grow five poisonous flowers.

"The seeds of the five-poison flower have been given to the two of you. As long as you feed it with blood, it will bloom in three days." Elder Lan Ling looked at the two and said, "In the next three days, I will wrong Miss Nalan and our young lady." Your lord has stayed in the designated courtyard for three days."

When she spoke, she deliberately emphasized the words "Young Master", which was clearly sarcastic.

Wei Ning immediately cast cold eyes, and glanced at her coldly, "Are you trying to put me under house arrest?"

"If you want to prove that you are the real young master, you must do this, otherwise I have the absolute right to drive you out of the witch clan, Wei Ning, don't forget what you did before, presumably you don't want to I alarmed the other elders, right?" Lan Ling looked into her eyes fearlessly, and she was not the only elder of the Miko Clan, and the fact that she led the Miko Clan to kill humans was enough to expel her.

Wei Ning sneered again and again, and understood the priority of the matter, if she raised the five poisonous flowers, she could continue to fish in troubled waters, but if all the elders of the witch clan came out...then, things would not be so simple!

After straightening everything out, Wei Ning threw a harsh word, then turned and left, "Wait and see in three days!" But Lan Ling had already made a note in his heart.

Bai Shuang saw that the young master had already left, and she stayed here alone, what the fuck, run away!
"Stop!" Lan Ling had been eyeing her for a long time, and at the moment she tried to sneak away, he immediately caught her back and threw her to the Miko soldiers beside him, "Take her down and send her to the dungeon, and don't provide her with any food and water.

Although the witch family has gradually weakened and there are not many people, the state-owned state-law family has family rules, and they will be punished if they make mistakes!

Bai Shuang struggled immediately, her eyes were annoyed and angry, "Lan Ling, you can't treat me like this, you..."

"Pull away!" Lan Ling's voice suddenly increased.

Bai Shuang was quickly taken down, and Lan Ling also waved away the surrounding witches, and then looked at Nalan Yue apologetically, "Young Master, I have really wronged you."

Nalan Yue looked at her coolly, her voice was indifferent, she walked up to her, looked down at the little guy who was not as high as her thighs and knees, and said, "You are very smart,"

"Young master..." Lan Ling's complexion changed, and just about to explain something, she saw Nalan Yue waving at her, signaling her not to say anything.

"See you in three days." After finishing speaking, Nalan Yue left lightly, the corners of her lips slightly curled up.

The reason why she is praised for being smart is that she can clearly use the influence of the elders to drive Wei Ning away, but what kind of five-poison flower is going to be produced. She has seen the seeds of the five-poison flower. If such seeds can grow something ...Her Nalan Yue's name was written backwards!

Three days passed in a flash, and Nalan Yue also ate and drank for three days in the Miko clan. As for the seeds of the five poisonous flowers, she never took them out of the kit at all.

Not to mention seeds.

However, Nalan Yue still carried a red porcelain flower pot in a dignified manner, threw the seeds on it on the last day, and took the flower pot directly to the meeting hall of the Miko clan.

Before Nalan Yue arrived, Wei Ning had already rushed over, holding a pot of five-colored flowers in her hand, shining brightly, it was simply extremely beautiful.

 Come, come, guess what the seed is swollen! !

(End of this chapter)

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