Chapter 1155 Five Poisonous Flower Seeds 3
There was a sound of admiration all around.

But these voices turned into a burst of ridicule when Nalan Yue came, and all the witches present locked their eyes on Nalan Yue's hand.

To be precise, it was the bare flower pot in her hand.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter broke out!

"Hahaha... What's going on with Nalan Yue, holding an empty basin?"

"Does it need to be said, it must not have been planted... Let me tell you, the real young master must be Wei Ning!" Although Wei Ning is cruel and bloodthirsty, her effort to buy people's hearts is not for bragging, so in The appeal of the witch clan is still quite high.

"Now you can tell the real young master from the fake one at a glance!"

When Wei Ning looked up and saw the bare flower pot in her hand, a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Master Ruyan said that Nalanyue is the real young master of the witch clan, but now she has not grown the five poisonous flowers! ?Although this is a good thing for her, she is not stupid enough to really think it is a good thing!
Nalan Yue walked in with a flower pot in her hand, ignoring the mocking eyes and words around her.

Elder Lan Ling nodded to her with a smile, as if he was very satisfied with her, then she walked down from her seat, stood on the steps, looked at everyone, and said, "I said to use the seeds of the five poisonous flowers to judge Who is the real young master, then, now, I declare..."

As soon as he said the word "announcement", Lan Ling's voice suddenly slowed down, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, as if he deliberately re-adjusted everyone's appetite.

Downstairs, there was a lot of noise, everyone talked to each other.

"Who needs to say that, it must be the young master Wei Ning who is the real young master!"

"That's right, that human woman didn't grow anything at all!"

"Elder Lan Ling, what is your intention to let a human woman be our young master?"

"Shut up, girl Nalan is a human race, so isn't Wei Ning?" When Lan Ling heard that someone was arranging Nalan Yue, she got angry and said immediately, "Now I declare that the real witch clan The young master is—Miss Nalan!"


The people below were strangely silent, and every witch's eyes were wider than the copper bell.

"How is this possible..." This was the voice of almost everyone, didn't it mean that only the real young master could grow the five poisonous flowers, but the person who planted the flowers was Wei Ning, but why did the elder say it was Nalan Yue.

As for Wei Ning, the moment Lan Ling announced the result, he knew immediately that he was being tricked!Hit the trap!
Panic flashed across her eyes, but it didn't mean she was willing to admit defeat. It took her a while to find her cold voice, "Lan Ling, are you blind? I was the one who planted the five poisonous flowers." !"

"Of course I know it's you!" Lan Ling smiled, but didn't deny it.

Wei Ning stared at her, "Then you..."

Before he finished speaking, Nalan Yue walked slowly with a flower pot in his hand, took the seeds out of the soil, and pinched them with his fingertips.

Nalan Yue's eyes were unwavering, giving a strong coercion, "Do you want to know the reason?"

Wei Ning met her eyes, raised his head proudly, and put aside his neck with a sneer, "The reason? What could be the reason? The reason is that I planted it, but you didn't!"

"Then you are really amazing, you can plant even a ripe seed!" When she was proud, Nalan Yue's cool voice sounded like a mockery but not a mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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