Chapter 1156 Five Poisonous Flower Seeds 4
"What!!" Her words undoubtedly threw a whole boulder onto the calm sea, and everyone was completely shocked.

At this time, Lan Ling also took a step forward, nodded and said, "That's right, this is not the seed of a five-poison flower at all, it's just a broad bean boiled in salt water."

Salted broad beans? ?
The eyeballs of all the witches almost fell off, using boiled beans, and they were boiled in salt water, it would be strange if they could grow something!
But Ren Weining just planted it, um, using ordinary broad bean seeds, which can no longer be ordinary, to grow the five poison flowers!
Oh~ so fantastic!

"How is this possible..." Wei Ning's eyes showed astonishment, although she felt a little strange at the beginning, she never thought that these seeds were actually broad bean seeds!

Also Nima cooked...

Thanks to her stupidity, she spent the past three days trying her best to inquire about the news of the five-poison flower, and she begged her master to give her the five-poison flower in her hand!
But now... what is this! ?

"You dare to trick me?" Wei Ning was about to explode in anger. God knows how she got the five-poison flower from her master. strangle her.

"Elder..." The people of the Miko clan immediately exclaimed.

Now the situation is that even a fool knows who is the real young master. After Wei Ning was exposed, he became angry from embarrassment and wanted to kill him!
This is how to do……

Seeing Elder Lan Ling who had rolled his eyes, the witches were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Wei Ning, what ability do you have to attack me, bullying a little witch is nothing!"

At this moment, Nalan Yue's thin voice fell into the hearts of every witch like the sound of heaven. As soon as they raised their eyes, they saw her flying up, her movements were swift, and Elder Lan Ling was saved in the blink of an eye.


"Elder, are you alright?"

"Elder, are you alright?"

When Nalan Yue rescued Lan Ling, she casually threw her to the group of worried little witches behind her, while she stepped forward to settle accounts with Wei Ning!

With a cold face, Wei Ning drew out his long sword.

Nalan Yue's face was expressionless, without any weapon in her hands, a sneer curled up on the corner of her lips, "You know what, I hate people robbing me the most... Especially, that person is you!"

"Me too!" This sentence did not know which nerve touched Wei Ning, she suddenly roared, her voice exhausted.

Looking at Nalan Yue with red eyes, "If it wasn't for you, everything should be mine. In modern times, the Ghost Hand Organization should be mine, and Ye Wu should be mine too, but why all of this, I want to Everything has your name written on it!"

"What does this have to do with Master!" Nalan Yue seemed to smell something unusual from her words.

Looking at her innocent face, Wei Ning immediately burst out laughing, and mockingly said, "My dear good sister, don't tell me that you still don't know that Ye Wu likes you, you probably don't know, your Master, that good master of yours has already fallen in love with you in modern times... Master-student love, Nalan Yue, do you feel very proud and proud?"

"You're crazy." Nalan Yue's face darkened in an instant, but it was as if a tsunami was happening in her heart, overwhelming the sky and overwhelming her, catching her off guard.

She really didn't expect that Master already liked her in modern times...

However, Wei Ning knows all of this, it's ridiculous, she is the only one who doesn't know!

(End of this chapter)

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