Chapter 1185 Monster 3
"That's a good question!!" Feng Chu also wanted to know the answer.

Nalan Yue raised her eyes, looked down on the two of them, and said lightly, "Is this difficult?"


"Oh..." Nalan Yue responded lightly, then said, "I forgot to tell you, I can see through."

"What??" Feng Chu and Murong Qing'er screamed together.

One of the two covered their lower body in a panic, the other covered the murderous part with one hand, and the other hand also blocked the bottom, they despised her in unison, "Rogue!"

"..." Injustice, more injustice than Dou E!

But Nalan Yue didn't bother to explain anymore, she raised her head to look at the heart hanging there, without any hesitation, she drew her sword, raised her foot, flew forward, and hit with sure hit!
In an instant, the heart exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a gorgeous exploding firework, "boom" shattered.

The monster immediately let out a painful roar, which was deafening. The roar was powerful at first, and then gradually became powerless. It could only make a low cry when it was dying, and finally there was no sound at all.

"Let's go out!" Nalan Yue reminded Murong Qing'er and the two of them, and took the lead in cutting off his thick flesh with a small dagger, cutting a big gash.

Seeing this, Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu immediately drew their swords and assisted Nalan Yue.

Although its skin is thick, it is not as hard as its teeth. After three blows and five cuts, Nalan Yue and the others came out of its stomach and finally saw the light of day again.

"If I had known it, I would have just peeled it out, why bother to destroy its heart?" Feng Chu obviously didn't think about this question.

Nalan Yue refused to answer such mentally handicapped questions.

Murong Qing'er rolled his eyes at him directly, "Aren't you stupid, don't destroy its heart, why don't we have to fight it hard after we come out?"

"That makes sense..." Feng Chu nodded belatedly, but suddenly thought of something, and continued, "If we had pulled out his teeth before, wouldn't we be fighting fiercely?" !"

"But the problem is, we haven't pulled out its teeth, so there won't be any later..." Murong Qing'er was about to refuse to answer this mentally handicapped question.

Feng Chu was resentfully defeated.

Nalan Yue was staring at the monster that swallowed them, but after searching silently for a long time, she found that this monster really took an unusual path.


Its body is huge, so huge that it looks like an entire valley, with various flowers and plants growing on its body, and its back is dark yellow, like mud, so they didn't realize that they were already on the back of this monster when they entered.

To put it bluntly, this canyon is actually the illusion of this monster, and they are just uninvited guests who "fortunately" entered its mouth!
Now that it is dead, the flowers, plants and trees growing on its back immediately withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ground they stepped on—its back was also slowly sinking, like a bird that never stopped leaking. A shrinking ball.

Nalan Yue knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so she immediately gave Feng Chu a look, "Hurry up and find the crystal token, don't you see that this place is about to collapse?"

"It's about to collapse?" Obviously, these two people haven't realized their current situation at all.

Nalan Yue's forehead immediately popped up, and he really wanted to shoot these two people to death.

Feng Chu hurriedly searched for the fourth and fifth crystal tokens.

Because at the beginning everyone guessed that it might be pulled out, so at this moment Murong Qing'er pointed to a pile of excrement on the ground and said maliciously, "Feng Chu, come here, maybe the crystal token is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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