Chapter 1186 Monster 4
Feng Chu heard the words and came, but when he saw the big lump on the ground, his face turned dark, "It must not be here!"

"How do you know you're not there if you don't try it? Could it be that you have clairvoyance like the boss? Seeing the inside through the outside of the object?" Murong Qing'er winked at him teasingly.

But her words seemed to remind Fengchu, he immediately put his eyes on Nalanyue's face, "Yueyue, please, I beg you, give you my knee, use perspective to see it for me!"

Facing such a big lump, he really couldn't do anything!
"Stop making trouble." Nalan Yue sighed helplessly and rolled her eyes, "There's nothing there, you go to the south to have a look."

"Really??" Feng Chu's face changed into surprise in a second.

After getting Nalan Yue's affirmation, the whole person immediately ran towards the south.

Murong Qing'er stared at her boss with a strange expression on her face, "By the way, boss, you should, should you really use perspective to see that lump..." Oh shit!

"Put away the reveries you shouldn't have in your mind." Nalan Yue's eyes swept over, her voice was faint, but with a trace of murderous intent, "The other tokens around Feng Chu's waist, when they approached that lump, did not Bright!"

"Uh..." Murong Qing'er closed her mouth resentfully, it turned out to be like this!

At the same time, a surprised voice came from Fengchu, "Finally found it!"

Both Nalan Yue and Murong Qing'er looked up.

Now that the five crystal tokens were found, Nalan Yue and the others did not waste any time, so they left here and returned to Qinglong Academy.

When they returned to Qinglong Academy, there were only two days before they entered the Linglong Tower.

But in these two days, Fengchu had to pass the written test before he could attend the final test of Linglong Pagoda!

In the past two days, Nalan Yue not only silently wrote him the test papers she had done before, but also gave him some skills for answering the questions. The time is really tight, so she can only do her best, everything depends on Feng Chu own strength!

The day before entering Linglong Pagoda, Feng Chu was assigned a written test for skipping grades.

Unlike when Nalan Yue was surrounded by crowds, Fengchu only had Nalan Yue and Murong Qing'er here.

At this moment, Murong Qing'er seemed restless, walking up and down non-stop. If Feng Chu failed the exam, what awaited them would be a long long-distance relationship...

Nalan Yue was leaning on a pillar beside her. The cool wind blew her elegant long skirt, she was dressed in sea blue, like the most stunning mermaid in the sea, her face was slightly raised, and she looked up at the sky with a smile on her face.

She thought that she would soon be able to go to the border of the mainland and meet him soon...


Feng Chu came out of the examination room.

He lowered his head, looked sullen, frowned, and walked out with a sigh.

"Why, what's the matter?" Murong Qing'er saw him like this, and immediately understood that he had failed the exam. At this time, she was cautious when speaking, for fear of touching any nerve in him, and then he couldn't think about it.

After all, in modern times, there are too many people who choose to commit suicide because they failed the exam...

Nalan Yue also cast a look at him, frowning slightly, did you not?Did you fail the exam?
No, she has assigned many important knowledge to him a long time ago!

Just when the friends next to me were asking questions, Feng Chu suddenly burst out laughing, his eyes were already tearing up, "I've passed!! Look at all of you being fooled by me. The stupid look... oh my god, hahaha..."

"..." In an instant, everyone's faces turned black, even Nalan Yue's face was no exception.

"beat him!!"

I also know who started it first, and someone followed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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