Chapter 1187 Linglong Tower Sixth Floor 1
Feng Chu immediately ran away, "Emma... I was wrong, can't it be okay, please be merciful... Ah! Ah!"

After a few screams, the world returned to calm again.
the next day.

Finally came the day when the Linglong Tower was opened.

Nalan Yue and Feng Chu were mixed in a group of students from the second grade to the third grade, so it was inevitable that there would be some gossip.

"Look, it's the skipping exam that the two of them chose. I heard that they all passed the written exam!" When the man spoke, his voice was a little sour.

"Tsk, passing the written test can only be said to be opportunistic, and then that is the real test!"

"That's right. After arriving at the Linglong Tower, you have to speak based on your strength. You see, that little girl is good-looking, but her strength..." Someone glanced at Nalan Yue, and couldn't help but sneer, because Nalan Yue Hide your own strength.

Before entering the Linglong Tower, she didn't want to be too high-profile, so now her strength is at the level of a martial artist in the eyes of others.

"That man's strength is not very good. I heard that this competition is going to be a team. I hope you don't join these two first-year freshmen!"

"Hmph, if the first-year-old kid doesn't stay in the first grade, what's the matter..."

One person's full of emotion seems to be able to infect everyone, and all these quasi-third-year students stared at Nalan Yue and Feng Chu with unkind eyes.

"Shut the fuck up!" Murong Qing'er immediately silenced the crowd with the roar of the Lion in the River East.

Nalan Yue mockingly glanced at everyone, her expression was indifferent, a group of ignorant humans!

"Calm down, you can't bite us like a dog, let's bite the dog again!" Feng Chu comforted her beside her, and Murong Qing'er laughed out loud.

Murong Qing'er said, "You kid finally said something human these days!"

Murong Qing'er was relieved, but the others were sullen. This book is clearly saying that they are dogs. I couldn't bear it. I just wanted to refute a few words, but saw Ye Wuzun and the elders of the academy slowly come.

Seeing this, everyone subconsciously closed their mouths and looked towards them.

Nalan Yue also raised her head, ignoring the others, looking at the peerless and elegant figure, dressed in white clothes like snow, with a face as clear as a lotus, like a banished fairy, like a green pine, inviolable, sacred and noble.

That is her master.

A smile quickly flashed across Nalan Yue's face, which was as transparent as glass in the bright morning light.

The Great Elder looked at the students in front of him, nodded lightly, and said, "I won't say much about the rules. Only passing the Linglong Pagoda means that you are qualified to become third-year seniors!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's advance to the Linglong Tower..."

Following the last word of the Great Elder, everyone lined up quickly, without saying a word, and headed towards the gate of Linglong Tower.

Inside the spacious and exquisite tower, the layout is complex, full of aura, and the lights are flickering slightly. The soldiers who guarded here immediately clasped their fists with extremely respectful faces when they saw so many big figures coming.

They didn't stay too long, and they were sent to the sixth floor of Linglong Tower, because this competition was set on the sixth floor.

It is said that, except for Ye Jin back then, no one has reached the sixth floor after clearing the levels one by one, and he has also broken through the seventh floor of Linglong Tower.

Since then, this record has never been broken again!
Everyone's eyes were stained with a trace of fighting spirit, as if they were bound to win this entrance exam.

Nalan Yue is no exception, even though Ye Jin belongs to her, she still has a heart to break his record!

(End of this chapter)

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