Chapter 1188 Linglong Tower Sixth Floor 2
The Great Elder took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and then put his eyes on Nalan Yue and Feng Chu's faces, and said, "For students who skip a grade, they have to pass not only the sixth floor, but also the seventh floor."

As soon as these words came out, there was quite a commotion immediately, everyone stared at Nalan Yue and the two with strange eyes, even Murong Qing'er couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

She stayed in the academy the longest, so she naturally has a deeper understanding of Linglong Tower.

Who doesn't know that apart from Ye Jin, no one in Qinglong Academy has been able to pass the seventh floor in the thousand years since its establishment, and even said that they don't know anything about the seventh floor.

If Nalan Yue had a [-]% chance, then Fengchu might not even have a half chance.

Murong Qing'er really wanted to tell them all these things in her heart, but in the end she forcibly held back, forget it, so as not to hurt them by speaking out.

Nalan Yue naturally didn't miss the changeable look on Murong Qing'er's face, no matter how difficult it was, she had to give it a try and never give up lightly.


At the same time, the Great Elder had already greeted them to enter the sixth floor.

"The exam time is three days, students, I wish you good luck..."

The biggest difference between the sixth floor of Linglong Tower and other floors is that it has only one door!

No one knows what's behind the door, even if Nalan Yue has clairvoyance, she can't see through it.

The elders and Ye Wuzun have already left, and now only they and this group of students are left. At this time, everyone at home is surrounded by this door, miraculously keeping silent.

"Let's go in..." Nalan Yue's calm voice sounded unhurriedly.

Seeing that she was going to leave, Feng Chu immediately grabbed her arm and said in a low voice, "Yueyue, at least wait until someone finds the way for us before leaving!"

"Is it interesting?" Nalan Yue turned her head, frowned, and asked, "Do you think the people who went inside would come out and tell us what's going on inside?"

"Uh..." Feng Chu was speechless, not only him, but the others were also silent.

They have been hesitating not to leave, they just want to find someone to go first to see what will happen, but they also don't think that once they go in, it will be so easy for them to come out.

Nalanyue didn't say anything else, she had already brought Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu in. To her, only the two of them were meaningful, and it was up to her whether the others liked it or not.

Shimen was very strange, Nalan Yue and the others just stood straight in front of the door, they were sucked in and disappeared from everyone's sight.

thump -- thump -- thump --

The rest of the people looked at me and I looked at you, their hearts were beating wildly, and they finally got inside one by one.

When they got inside, Nalan Yue and the others had already read the rules given by the system.

Compared with the usual routine - killing monsters, this time it is a group pk, a group of five, [-]v[-] for team battles, both sides have tower defense and crystals, as long as the opponent's crystals are destroyed first, then you will win .

Of course, this is only the first item of the exam.

"Boss...why do I feel like this is something I've played before?" Murong Qing'er looked at the rules of the game with an expression as if she had seen a ghost.

"It doesn't seem like you've actually played it." Nalan Yue said with absolute certainty, this game was very popular, and she could see Murong Qing'er playing this game almost every day in modern times.

Feng Chu looked confused, "What are you two talking about?" Why do you think that these two seem to know about this competition.

"You, an ancient person, don't understand!" Murong Qing'er cast a glance over, too lazy to explain these things, after all, there is a generation gap of thousands of years.

"..." Fengchu.

 Take a bubble... Can you guess what game this is? ?
(End of this chapter)

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