Chapter 1236 The Great War (7)

When the war came to an end, Nalan Yue and the others thought they could see the dawn of victory, but when they saw the army reappearing at the border, their hearts sank like a heavy stone to the bottom of the sea.

On the contrary, the domain master who had already been defeated seemed extremely excited, desperately shouting at the people in the distance, "Save me - save me quickly -"

He thought that these people were brought by Ziyou to rescue him.

Sitting on the tall war horse, Ziyou didn't say a word, and looked at the domain master with a cold expression, without a trace of pity.

"help me--"

In his eyes, the domain lord is nothing more than a self-inflicted crime.

The domain owner's eyes widened in disbelief, and at this moment she could also feel the ruthlessness from Ziyou.

Suddenly, he figured out one thing, he was being used!

He was like a fool, thinking that Ziyou and the King of Nether had no intention of attacking the mainland at all, but now it seems that they are clearly mantises catching cicadas and orioles behind them.

He is the idiot mantis, and Ziyou and the others are the orioles.

The domain owner, who used to be the head of the domain, was rich and honored, with both fame and money, but now he has fallen to the end of a prisoner.

He refuses to accept——

He laughed wildly—

He growled—

In the end, he patted his temple with a palm and fell down smiling.

He has been an extremely proud existence all his life, established a powerful domain, and became the master of the domain admired by everyone. He should be a respected existence, so how could he be willing to fail!
So he chose to commit suicide arrogantly, and he wanted to tell everyone that even if he died, he would die with pride!


Seeing his tall body slowly fall to the ground, everyone present was slightly touched by the unwilling and relieved expression on his face.

Even Nalan Yue couldn't help but sigh.

Life is alive, as for being so strong, as long as the domain master admits defeat, will they be exterminated? Then, what is the difference between them and the demons and zombies!
"Keep him down." Nalan Yue gently closed her eyes, and signaled the people next to him to carry the domain master down. He was indeed guilty and unforgivable, but with his last integrity.

Nalan Yue respected him as a man!

Besides, she is dead, so is it possible that she still wants to hold on to that old hatred?

But Nalan Yue and the others didn't breathe a sigh of relief because of his death. In fact, they were more dignified. Ziyou's arrival seemed to crush their camels, almost making everyone breathless.

It turns out that not only the domain master is ambitious to rule the mainland, but also the Netherworld. Yes, as long as people with power and taste are like devils, only the desire for power can satisfy their hearts.

The human race headed by Nalan Yue and the demon race headed by Ziyou faced each other coldly.

The battlefield suddenly stagnated, frozen at this moment.

The atmosphere is like a cold winter wind, like a cold sword unsheathed.

"Kill—" the cold word spit out from Ziyou's thin lips, mixed with endless power.

Afterwards, thousands of troops came in uniform, holding spears and marching towards them.

During the previous battle with the domain lord, Nalan Yue had already lost a lot of troops, and now they are fighting against Ziyou non-stop, many of them are exhausted.

"Pharmaceutical supplement—"

Nalan Yue yelled at the supply station at the rear, and immediately there would be dedicated soldiers delivering supplies to everyone, or soldiers who were closer to the supply station took the initiative to get supplies.

In consideration of Nalan Yue's health and the need for a military adviser in the rear, Nalan Yue naturally withdrew from the battlefield under the vote of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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