Chapter 1237 The Great War (8)

In terms of wit, even Ye Jin was willing to bow down to her.

When it comes to tactics, she always pays more attention.

What's more, there is still a small life in her stomach, which is really not suitable for fighting on the battlefield!

"Weapon supply..."

"Sacred Light——" Nalan Yue did the most to command the formation and use light elements to restore blood and mana to them.

"Report... food and water sources are polluted in a large area!"

"Report... less than [-]% of the elixirs are stored!"

"Report...the ammunition storage is less than [-]%!"

"Report... the death rate in front is as high as 90.00%!"


A piece of bad news came to Nalanyue's ears, causing her brows to wrinkle again and again, but facing the expectant eyes, Nalanyue couldn't reveal a trace of strangeness.

Now, the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Leave the food and water source to me. As for the elixir... you immediately go and withdraw half of the alchemists who went to the battlefield, and find a few teams of cavalry to make up for it..." Nalan Yue's voice was steady and steady, Amid the sound of gunfire and fighting, it seemed extremely peaceful.

Hearing such words, they were inexplicably relieved, and then hurriedly followed the orders of their adults.

Seeing that everyone in the tent had dispersed, Nalan Yue let out a sigh of relief, with a look of anxiety in his eyes, he quickly got up from his seat, and wanted to solve the problem of food and water first.

Before she could reach the door, she immediately heard the sound of light footsteps outside, followed by a flash before her eyes, and Ziyou appeared in front of her.

Nalan Yue's face turned cold, "You want to kidnap me?"

In less than half a second, Nalan Yue had already thought through Ziyou's purpose for coming here.

Ziyou twitched the corners of her mouth weakly, her smile was a bit silent, "Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?"

When he said this, his voice was very soft, so soft that Nalan Yue almost ignored it.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Ziyou shook her head faintly, and then pulled out a dagger that was emitting a cold light.

Nalan Yue immediately became vigilant, her fingers were already caressing the space bracelet secretly, as long as he made a little move, she would definitely beat him into a hornet's nest.

Ziyou squinted her long and narrow eyes, but slowly handed the dagger in her hand, as if she had made a major decision.

Before Nalanyue recovered, she saw Ziyou waving his hand to hit his own life gate - trying to abolish his own strength!
"Crazy!!" Nalan Yue looked at him in disbelief, her eyes were extremely wide.

Nalanyue never expected that Ziyou would give her the dagger, and even cripple her strength...

Is this person crazy?

Or is there another conspiracy?Nalan Yue also knew that it was immoral to think of him like this at this time, but she really didn't understand what he was thinking.

Ziyou, who was self-defeating, suffered internal injuries on the battlefield. She still had strong strength to support her, and she was not in a bad shape, but now she seemed extremely weak.

The fair and handsome face became paler, and the thin lips lost their blood color little by little, and the enchanting purple eyes also dimmed at this time, leaving only a long-lasting silence.

"..." Nalan Yue pursed her lips and stared at him without saying a word.

"Hold me with a dagger, and the demon army will naturally retreat..." Ziyou immediately got up and stuffed the dagger into her hand, regardless of whether she took it or not.

Nalan Yue dropped the dagger and questioned, "Is it interesting?"

Abandoning his strength and letting her pretend to threaten him, what exactly is he going to do!
"I just want to help you." The man's eyes were completely clean at this time, and his smile was sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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