Chapter 136 Entry and Exit Fees of the Yard
Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, pretending to be embarrassed, "Okay then, I'll hurry up."

Ha, I still want to eat!This girl will screw you so that you can't even eat.

"The next step is the compensation for the entire yard."

Nalan Yue said lightly, and everyone in the yard looked at her.

"The entrance and exit fees of the yard, the loss of flowers and trees, the cleaning fee of the ground, the maintenance fee of stone benches and rockeries... Oh, and the furniture fee in the whole yard, all of which must be replaced with new ones."

"If you do the math, there are only 200 million gold coins in total, and if you take a fraction, there are 1000 million gold coins in total."

Nalan Yue uttered a series of words in a small mouth, and the people below heard that their eyeballs would drop to the ground.

1000 million gold... gold coins!Besides, what is this all about! ! !

They all know the words Mao separately, but why they don’t understand them together!

Nalan Yu was immediately dissatisfied, frowned, and asked, "What is the entrance and exit fee for the yard? Third sister, do we need money to enter your yard?"

Nalan Yue played with her fingers and answered casually, "Of course."

Nalan Yu was choked and speechless, "You..."

"Then why do you need to replace all the furniture in the yard, these are not broken!"

The eldest lady rubbed her handkerchief, took the words, and gritted her teeth unwillingly.

It didn't matter if the engagement was ruined, but her carefully calculated bride price incident was seen through so lightly.

Now this cheap hoof is cheating people here openly, and it's still 1000 million gold coins!

How could she bear it!
Nalan Yue blinked, and a smile flashed across her face, "Is this girl a clean freak?"

The lady's face turned blue and white, like a palette, and her flaming eyes stared fiercely at her.

This is clearly arrogance!

Nalan Yue gave her a smug look, that's right, this girl is trying to make excuses, what can you do with me!
The eldest lady was so angry that she was about to die from the smug look, "You, you are just nonsense! Don't even think about 1000 million gold coins!"

Nalan Yu directly ignored her and looked at Nalan Jue, "Does the Prime Minister also think that he is messing around? Well, I still have Prince Jin to testify. If it doesn't work, it seems that I can only tell what happened today to Li Yaoshi." Talk about..."

Nalan Jue, who was sitting on the chair, couldn't sit still anymore, and when he heard Nalan Yue move out of the backing, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

At the same time, Ye Jin also looked at him, "I still remember the agreement between the Prime Minister and Yue'er. Could it be that the Prime Minister has amnesia so soon?"

Ye Jin is worthy of being a cruel prince, what he said is so poisonous!
Nalan Yue secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Nalanjue was very sad in his heart, with Prince Jin on one side and Pharmacist Li on the other, so he could only...

"Here, my father will naturally not break the promise, isn't it just 1000 million gold coins, I will give it to my father! Don't bother Li Yaoshi."

Nalan Jue spoke almost word for word.

Nalan Yue's eyes sparkled, a sly light flashed past, she nodded, "It's easy to say."

At the same time, there was a heart-piercing cry from the eldest lady——

"No, how can this be okay, Mr. Xiang, that's 1000 million! And...and what will happen to Yu'er's dowry then!"

The entire prime minister's mansion only has 2000 million gold coins, so much for this trash, what will she do to buy Yu'er a dowry then!
Her daughter is going to marry the prince of a country, and to become the princess, she has to prepare a large dowry no matter what!

(End of this chapter)

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