Chapter 137 Hit the Lady

Nalanjue also hesitated when he heard Da Furen's shout, after all, 1000 million gold coins is not a small amount.

To be honest, he has 1 things in his heart that he doesn't want to give...

Nalanyue is such a smart woman, just looking at Nalanjue's expression, she knew that this scumbag father was about to repent.

But how could Nalan Yue let the already cooked duck fly like this!

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth mockingly, "Hey, is the prime minister going to turn his back on what he said? It seems that I can only ask King Jin to make decisions for me, a weak woman. Well, by the way, let's invite Li Yaoshi, too. Go and invite Second Grandpa in person and he will definitely come out."

Acting skills, who can't!I really complied with the saying that life is like a play and it all depends on acting skills!

Nalan Jue couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard King Jin and Li Yaoshi.

Nalanjue, who was out of breath, stood up and came to the Da Furen.

"Slap!" A resounding slap landed on the Da Furen's forehead.

The eldest lady was immediately hit on the ground, her well-maintained face was swollen and tall.

Nalan Jue roared, "What are you talking about! Shut up for me!"

If it weren't for this wife who caused so many troubles for him, would he have been cheated of 1000 million gold coins!She still has the face to say it here again!

Nalan Yu and Nalan Mo stepped forward quickly and helped their mother up. The two brothers and sisters said in unison, "Daddy, how can you beat your mother!"

Nalan Jue was so sad that he couldn't express his anger, he scolded the two of them, "Shut up, too."

The two brothers and sisters fell silent immediately, everyone could see that Nalan Jue was like a wild beast at this moment.

Then Nalan Jue turned his head and looked at the big housekeeper, "Go to the cashier to get 1000 million gold coins and give it to the third lady."

The chief steward left in response, and looked at Nalan Yue in relief.

This kid is really getting smarter.

The eldest lady, mother and son couldn't say anything anymore, they could only watch helplessly as the figure of the butler gradually walked away.

That gaze is a pain in the ass!Instead of killing Nalan Yue, she cheated her a lot of money!

Thinking of the burning pain on her face, Da Furen wished to tear Nalan Yue to pieces!
On the other hand, Nalan Yue was still leaning against the pillar calmly, with elegant eyebrows and eyes, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

Another one who is calm is Ye Jin, who tastes tea elegantly, her knuckle fingers look like a piece of beautiful jade.

There is a doting light in his enchanting phoenix eyes, at this moment she looks at Nalan Yue as if she is looking at your own doting little girl.

Soon, the butler came back with a black card in his hand.

Respectfully walked to Nalan Yue's side, "Miss San, the 1000 million gold coins are here, any business can withdraw cash or swipe the card. The password is, the initial password is 123456."

The big butler thought she would not use this, so he kindly told her the method to use and so on.

Nalan Yue nodded with a smile, and took the black card, "Thank you."

The butler retreated lightly.

This black card is exactly the same as the one she had before,

Nalan Yue quietly distributed a wisp of spiritual energy onto the black card, and sure enough it showed 1000 million gold coins.

One is not more and one is not less!
It's not her small stomach, but the best of the big family, she has to be careful.

If the money on the card is wrong at that time, who will she cry to!

Seeing that today's farce was finally over, Nalan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He has never been planted in anyone's hands in his life, who would have thought that this time he would be planted in the hands of his own daughter, and a daughter whom he is ashamed of!
(End of this chapter)

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