Chapter 152 Produced by the Miracle Doctor
Nalan Yue was speechless, "The point is not whether this is good or not!"

Ye Jin smiled lightly, "Okay, be good, go to bed quickly, the king will come to see you tomorrow."

Nalan Yue nodded and was about to go back.

"Remember to dress up beautifully and wait for me!" His teasing voice came from behind.

Nalan Yue almost fell down, turned her head and glared at him before leaving bitterly.

Dress up your sister!Think beautifully!
Ye Jin watched as Nalan Yue approached the house and disappeared, and then reluctantly looked away.

His hands hanging by his legs were tightly clenched into fists, tightly clenched.

Yue'er, I'm sorry, I don't have the strength to fight against the realm, so you must grow up quickly, and we will destroy it together!
Then Ye Jin snapped his fingers in the air again, "Left protector, right protector!"

"Your subordinate is here!" The two guards on the left and right jumped out from a dark place immediately, kneeling on the ground with both knees.

Ye Jin stared at them with phoenix eyes, "Now, the two of you will protect Yue'er together!"

He had seen the viciousness of the Saintess of the Domain Realm when he was very young, so he failed to kill Yue'er this time, and there will be another time, next time!
"Yes!" The left protector and the right protector replied in unison.

"But master, what should you do?" Zuo Hufa couldn't help but look at Ye Jin worriedly.

Ye Jin glanced over coldly, "I will transfer another person from the organization to follow me. I hope that what happened tonight will never happen again!"

After speaking, he left lightly.

The two people kneeling on the ground stared wide-eyed, and got up one after another to find a dark place to hide their love.

The right protector turned on the dick mode again, "Thanks to the third lady today, otherwise you will lose your skin!"

The protector on the right said coldly, "Miss San is a very nice person!"

The mouth of the right protector opened wide, almost enough to stuff an egg, "But you said the other day that Miss San is arrogant and ruthless!"

Zuo Hufa gave him a cold look, "Is there? It must not be me!"

"Pfft!" The protector on the right burst out laughing, this little left is getting more and more smoky!
Hey, you can still tell bad jokes!

On the second day, the sun was shining on her buttocks, so Nalan Yue woke up leisurely.

The wound on the arm was already scarred, and Nalan Yue took out a special potion and applied it on the scar.

Immediately, the thick scar softened and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the jade arm became smooth and clean again.

Nalan Yue smiled and exclaimed, "Perfect!"

Hey, it is indeed from the hands of her "ghost doctor"!
Produced by "Miraculous Doctor", quality assurance!If you need a buyer, please contact... Ahem, just kidding!
"Dong dong dong!" There was a clear knock on the door and Lu'er's charming voice, "Miss, are you up? The slaves have already prepared a table of dishes!"

"Go right away!" Nalan Yue quickly put on her clothes and walked towards the bed.

As soon as Little Phoenix heard that dinner was ready, he immediately got out of the space bracelet, his little furry head was extremely cute.

The previous weak state has long since disappeared, and he is jumping around in front of Nalan Yue at this moment, as if he is asking for credit!
Nalan Yue's sharp eyes had already seen through its little thoughts, and waved at it, "Okay, don't you just want blood, eat first!"

If it weren't for watching this little guy save her life at a critical moment, she wouldn't have donated her precious blood!
The little phoenix immediately yelled happily, sat on Nalanyue's shoulder, stretched out a wing and pointed at the door, and yelled cutely, "Let's go!"

Nalan Yue took the little guy to the dining place, and the traces of the bloody fight last night have been cleaned up.

Needless to say, Ye Jin must have done it!
When Nalan Yue and Xiao Fenghuang were eating lunch happily, Ye Jin's voice sounded - "Xiao Yue'er didn't call me the king during lunch!"

(End of this chapter)

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