Chapter 153 Yejin's Santa Claus
Nalan Yue was startled by this voice, and turned her head to see Ye Jin jumping off the wall!
Immediately afterwards, Nalan Yuehua was choked again, "Ahem...water!"

A water glass was handed to Nalan Yue's mouth, and her slender hands patted her back.

Ye Jin laughed softly, and teased, "Yue'er, I won't snatch it from you!"

Nalan Yue wiped the water stains on her lips, and stared at him angrily, "If you didn't come out suddenly, would this girl be choked?"

Ye Jin patted her little head in a good-tempered manner, "Okay, it's all my fault!"

Nalanyue pushed forward and raised her eyebrows at him, "It's supposed to be!"

With a little helplessness in Ye Jin's phoenix eyes, she gracefully sat beside Nalan Yue.

Little Phoenix's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Jin, "Beautiful boy, beautiful boy, delicious!"

Ye Jin poked its small body with long fingers, "Greedy ghost!"

Little Phoenix immediately felt like a tumbler, leaning back his whole body, but rolled over again in the next second.

Ye Jin looked at it with a smile on her lips, took out a lavender magic crystal from her sleeve and threw it to it.

"Jiujiu!" Little Phoenix jumped over cheerfully, gnawing there with her buttocks pouted.

Uh~ As the owner of a foodie, Nalan Yue really felt so ashamed!

Trembling slightly, Lu'er came over to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Ye Jin, and was about to step back quietly.

But unexpectedly, Ye Jin glanced at her.

God!Lu'er almost knelt down, the look in her eyes is too powerful, isn't it!
"Take it away!" Ye Jin pointed indifferently at the little phoenix who was nibbling on the magic crystal, and then focused all her eyes on Nalan Yue, not even giving her a single extra glance.

Lu'er was about to take Little Phoenix away, but she saw that Little Phoenix immediately hugged a half-gnawed magic crystal like a bolt of lightning, and got into Nalan Yue's sleeve, actually entered the space bracelet.

Nalan Yue could only wave her hand to Lu'er, "Go down first."

Lu'er retreated in response.

In the wing room, only Nalan Yue and Ye Jin were left, and the warm sunlight shone in and shattered the mottled spots on the ground.

Nalan Yue ate slowly, and glanced at him, "Does the prince have any eccentricities? Don't leave the main entrance, and insist on climbing the wall!"

Ye Jin shaved a piece of fish and put it in Nalan Yue's bowl before answering, "I want to keep a low profile, can't I?"

Nalan Yue shrugged, and looked at him with half a smile, "If you really want to keep a low profile, you might as well dig a hole in the ground next time!"

Ye Jin raised one hand to support her chin, as if thinking, "Good idea, I must try it next time!"

Three black lines were instantly drawn on Nalan Yue's forehead, sweat!When she didn't say yes!
Picking up the chopsticks, silently grilling the rice, I'm too lazy to talk to him!
The way Ye Jin dined was extremely elegant and gentlemanly, full of aristocratic atmosphere, just watching his smooth and smooth movements, Nalan Yue felt that he had seen enough!
"Pa-ta!" Nalan Yue put down her chopsticks and picked up a handkerchief to wipe the corners of her mouth.

Ye Jin also put down her chopsticks at the same time without making a sound, looking at her with her phoenix eyes, "Are you full?"

"En." Nalan Yue nodded, seeing enough, okay?

Ye Jin got up gracefully, and today she was dressed in a gorgeous black robe again, and her slender body walked towards Nalan Yue.

The phoenix eyes looked at her dotingly, stretched out her hand, and pulled her up from the chair.

Nalan Yue froze for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Jin raised her eyebrows, her lips were like peach blossoms in March, "Be Santa Claus and give my little Yueer a surprise!"

"Ah—" Nalan Yue's eyes widened in surprise, and she was taken aback by Ye Jin's words for a moment.

There is absolutely no problem with her ears, so that means that it is true that she just heard him say that he is going to dress up as Santa Claus! ! !

Cool!The legendary cruel Ninth Prince is actually very romantic, do you think so!

(End of this chapter)

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