Chapter 154 Santa Claus Delivering Gifts

Ye Jin patted her on the back of the head angrily, "Ah what! This king has made a lot of sacrifices, but a handsome and handsome man like this king has to make sacrifices to pretend to be that Santa Claus, You should be snickering!"

Nalan Yue immediately echoed with a snickering expression covering her mouth, and a muffled voice came out from the palm of her hand, "This girl is snickering!"

Ye Jin was about to lose to her, "! You are naughty!"

Nalan Yue stared at him with her hands folded, he was just naughty!
Ye Jin held her hands tightly and pulled her out of the room, "Let's go, Santa Claus is going to deliver presents."

Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows lightly, trying to struggle to get out of his hands, but his palm was too strong, so Nalan Yue had to give up.

Seeing that she was no longer struggling, Ye Jin's brow flashed with pride, and his big palm tightly held her slippery little hand.

Arriving in the middle of the courtyard, Nalan Yue found another strange aura behind her, but there was no hostility in it.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but look back, her eyes narrowed and she shot at a tree in the yard.

There should be two people there!

On the dense treetops, two people, the left protector and the right protector, are hiding on it.

The left protector looked at the right protector with an iceberg face, "Idiot, you have been discovered!"

Guardian You was surprised, "No way..."

The left protector pointed down with his chin, "Look for yourself!"

The right protector frowned, looked up and happened to meet Nalan Yue's eyeballs that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

I wipe it!No way, he is also one of the best masters in the organization, okay?

"Miss San's anti-reconnaissance ability and vigilance are very strong!" Zuo Hufa said coolly.

Nalan Yue withdrew her gaze and looked at Ye Jin, "Why is there an extra person?"

Ye Jin tightened her brows, shook her head slightly, and said helplessly, "Yue'er, you are a dog! You have discovered it again!"

Nalan Yue became angry immediately, and poked his finger fiercely on his chest, "You are the one who belongs to the dog!"

Your whole family is!Since his whole family also includes a lot of people from the emperor and queen mother, she can only complain silently in her heart.

Ye Jin laughed, and held on to her hand, "I'm just joking with you."

hum!Nalan Yue turned her head to ignore him.

Ye Jin suddenly stepped in front of her and stood there domineeringly, "Be obedient and leave them to protect you."

Nalan Yue shrugged, "Whatever."

In fact, she knew in her heart that Ye Jin was worried about her safety, but in fact, she would rather face and challenge the wind and rain alone than to be protected by others.

Of course Ye Jin also understands this truth, but the current Xiaoyue'er is really too weak.

To make a metaphor, Nalan Yue at this time is like a small ant that cannot be smaller, and the realm!Just an elephant.

So the disparity in strength is obvious!
Ye Jin slightly tilted her head, leaned into her ear and said, "Yue'er, I actually understand what you think. You want to rely on your own strength to overcome all difficulties. I guarantee that they will never give up until the critical moment." I'll make it easy, okay?"

Nalan Yue raised her clear eyes and nodded, "Okay! But you have to make sure that they can only come out to help me if it's a life-or-death situation!"

Ye Jin nodded reassuringly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jin stretched out his arms to wrap around her slender and soft waist, mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and flew steadily in mid-air, like a bird.

Seeing the cloth rubbing against each other, the scorching hot skin pressed against each other, causing slight ripples in the heart lake.

 The author said: Every time a friend leaves me a message in the comment area and brings positive energy, I want to add more updates to you! ~ Do you want to add more today? ●^●

(End of this chapter)

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