Chapter 183 I Only Want You
Then she remembered that all the poisons refined in the space had been used on the man in black who wanted to attack her that day!
So... there is only Mei medicine left in the space!The most unfortunate thing is that this medicine is still a super version!

But don't let him suffer a little bit, the sullenness in her heart can't dissipate no matter what!
So, I can only wrong him and take a cold shower!No, no, how can one, at least ten or eight times of washing!
Nalan Yue glared at him triumphantly, then quickly jumped into the Prime Minister's mansion, turned over a few times and went to her small courtyard.

Ye Jin looked at the little girl who had disappeared on the wall, and laughed inwardly, bursts of hotness rose up in her body again, and the dark red color in her eyes became deeper and deeper.

This medicine is also thanks to him being a master of the martial artist level, if it was given to someone with a lower level, I'm afraid he would have turned into a jackal!

Ye Jin mobilized the spiritual energy in his body to suppress the source of the heat, and Ruyu's forehead was dripping with sweat. Although spiritual power could quickly suppress the impulse of heat, it would take a certain amount of time to relieve the effect of the medicine.

Xiaoyue'er, this time you provoked me yourself!

Ye Jinfeng half-closed her eyes, flew up from the ground, and came to the Prime Minister's mansion without a sound in an instant, and came to her courtyard after a while.

Lu'er happened to come out for her own lady, and was so frightened that she almost lost her wits when she saw Prince Jin descending from the sky!
"See... I've seen the Ninth Prince."

Lu'er saluted him tremblingly, and was shocked when she saw his dark red eyes.

Ye Jin's tone was not kind, and he glanced at her coldly, "Go away!"

The cruel prince is either poisonous or cold towards others, but Nalan Yue has all his tenderness!

Nalan Yue was preparing to refine medicine in the space at this time, when she just started, she heard a faint noise coming from the yard.

Nalanyue was startled, quickly put down what she was doing, and ran out of the space with a single concentration.

"Squeaky——" the door was opened, and Ye Jin walked in gracefully, but seeing the unbearable sweat on his forehead, he knew how uncomfortable he was at the moment.

At the same time, Nalan Yue had just come out of the space bracelet, she was relieved when she saw Ye Jin, she thought it was someone who wanted to assassinate her again!

But just halfway through the breath, Nalan Yue stared at him belatedly, "Why are you here?"

He has been drugged by her, what are he doing here if he doesn't go back and take a cold shower!
Ye Jin smiled lowly, beads of sweat rolled down Bai Yu's forehead from time to time, his eyes were unusually deep, "Of course I'm here to vent my anger!"

"Cough..." Nalan Yue almost choked on saliva.

Why did she suddenly have the feeling of shooting herself in the foot with a rock!
Ye Jin approached her step by step, the breath around her was oppressive and strong.

Nalanyue couldn't help swallowing her saliva, she caught sight of Lu'er by the door out of the corner of her eye, and shouted to her, "Lu'er, hurry up and prepare a big bucket of ice cubes, ice water, anyway, as long as it's cold Just do it!"

Lu'er has always been the caring little padded jacket of her own lady, she didn't ask why, and immediately went away obediently and smartly.

Ye Jin had already arrived in front of Nalan Yue's eyes at this moment, the originally bright phoenix pupils turned dark red, as if the afterglow of the sun and the colorful clouds intertwined.

It's astonishingly beautiful, but also extremely dangerous.

Nalan Yue wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. This super powerful medicine was so effective that she was really worried that Ye Jin would turn into a jackal and swallow herself.

Ye Jin lowered her head and looked directly into her clear eyes, "I don't want to take a cold shower, I just want you!"

Nalan Yue laughed dryly, "Then I'll prepare the antidote, and it will be ready soon."

(End of this chapter)

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