Chapter 184

Saying that, Nalan Yue wanted to slip away like a loach, hmph, even if it was the antidote, wouldn't she inject another poison in it!
It's a pity that Nalan Yue's idea withered before it germinated.

Because - Ye Jin grabbed her with both arms, and pressed her against the wall directly and neatly.

His arms were clenched into fists against the walls on both sides of Nalan Yue, and he lowered his head slightly to look at her.

"I don't want an antidote either, I just want you!"

Nalan Yue raised her eyes bitterly, "I want your sister!"

Ye Jin frowned, "I don't have a sister."

There are only nine princes in Huaguo, so Ye Jin really doesn't have a younger sister!

Nalan Yuejue fell... Sure enough, the world is different, and there are differences in concepts!
This is obviously just a curse sentence that is very popular in modern times...

Ye Jin had endured to the extreme at this moment, her phoenix eyes were dark red, her whole body exuded a hot breath, her handsome face moved closer to Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue stared at him fiercely, in fact, with this man's strength, he could quickly remove the medicine, but what about him!

Keep thinking about eating tofu!eat tofu!Eat her tofu!
Nalan Yue watched all directions, thinking about which direction to sneak out from.

Ye Jin's red lips were getting closer!
Nalan Yue has raised her foot to kick him!
But suddenly there was a rapid voice, "Miss, ice cubes, ice water, as long as it is cold, everything is ready!"

Nalan Yue was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, ah!Lu'er little friend, you are really this girl's caring little padded jacket!

"I know, I'll go right away."

Nalan Yue stretched out her finger to poke him, raising her eyebrows, "My lord, let's take a cold shower!"

Saying that, Nalan Yue slipped out from under his arms like a loach.

Ye Jin lowered his hands and looked at her helplessly. This little girl must be taught a lesson!
Otherwise, maybe one day he is so handsome, the Ninth Prince of Yushu Linfeng will be poisoned to death by his little girl...

Ye Jin walked straight out of the door and came to the yard covered by moonlight.

At this time, Nalan Yue and Lu'er were pouring ice cubes into a huge bathtub.

There was a "cracking--" sound.

Lu'er asked Nalan Yue in a low voice, "Miss, what are you doing here?"

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and cast a glance at Ye Jin who had just stepped out of the door, "Calm down a certain master and extinguish the fire."

Lu'er was puzzled, but when she saw Ye Jin who was stepping towards him, she seemed to understand but also didn't seem to understand.

Ye Jin glanced coldly at the little girl Lu'er, "I'll give you a second to disappear!"

Lu'er immediately put down the ice bucket in her hand, and flew out like an arrow without even saying goodbye to her own lady!
The whole movement was not sloppy, like an arrow leaving a bow, Nalan Yue was taken aback for a moment.

Has this little girl grown rabbit legs?Can run faster than a rabbit!

Ye Jin walked behind Nalan Yue, and unexpectedly wrapped her arms around her willow waist from behind,
Nalan Yue suddenly felt his hot body and couldn't help but be taken aback.

Ye Jin's deep and sweet voice came to her ears, "Thank you, Princess, for giving me the bath water!"

I wipe!Nalanyue wanted to hit someone, and immediately "pounded—" Nalanyue threw the wooden barrel in his hand.

A pair of catkins tried their best to move away the big palms around his waist, but the big palms around his waist didn't move at all, it was Nalan Yue's fingers that made it hurt.

Depend on!Could it be that his hands are made of diamonds?so hard!

Nalan Yue was full of anger, and growled at him, "Ye Jin, let go of this girl, or I will beat you until I don't even know your father!"

Ye Jin leaned into her ear and replied, "I'm so happy!"

Nalan Yue: "..." There are woods and woods for beatings.

(End of this chapter)

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