Chapter 185 Colorful Heart Lotus
"You!" Nalan Yue raised her hand to cover her chest, and gave him a hard look, "I'm going to dig out your eyeballs if you're looking at this girl!"

Ye Jin raised the corners of her lips evilly, "Did you dig it up for collection?"

abnormal!Nalan Yue cursed secretly, but why are these words so familiar!
oh!Yes, she remembered, it was the words he said to her on the day she just crossed over.

His eyebrows and eyes were very handsome, but what he said made people feel so cold, he said, "I really want to dig out these eyeballs and keep them!"

Nalan Yue pointed at him, with a trace of disdain flashing in her clear eyes, "You are the only one who can do this kind of thing!"

Ye Jin smiled evilly, obviously also thinking about what happened that day, who would have thought that the intersection of that day would become a lifelong bond between them.

Maybe... this is fate!It can also be said that I am destined to love you!

Soon, Nalan Yue's clothes and long hair were dried. She stood in the cool breeze, her blue skirt fluttering, and her long hair fell down to her ankles like a waterfall.

It forms a beautiful picture scroll with the small bridge and flowing water looming in the dark night.

Ye Jin took a step forward, with a smile on her face, straightened her slightly messy hair, "Yue'er, you really look like a little fairy!"

It's a little fairy who seduces his heart and soul!

"Cough..." Nalan Yue almost choked on the saliva, her cheeks were slightly red, and she slapped his big hand away.

Is there such a boast!
"You should go!" Nalan Yue started to chase him away, but when she saw his wet clothes, Nalan Yue frowned slightly, and added, "Dry your clothes before leaving!"

It's such a cold night to be frozen in wet clothes!
Cough... She won't admit that she cares about him!
Ye Jin suddenly looked like a child who got candy, her phoenix eyes smiled enchantingly, "Thank you, future princess, for your concern!"

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes immediately.

After a while, Ye Jin dried his black robe, the gorgeous black robe was like a cloud of ink, and his body was slender and straight.

At this time, a faint silver light had already appeared in the sky, indicating that it would soon be dawn.

Nalan Yue glanced at him, "Hurry up!"

She didn't want to be found out that Lord Shura returned to her yard in the middle of the night, especially when there was a large bathtub in the middle of the yard!

Cough...a bathtub can make people's imagination run wild, let alone a prince!

Ye Jin sighed slightly, looked straight into her eyes, "I want a farewell kiss."

Nalan Yue: "..." Do you want to make it so grand!

Even western etiquette is on!

Nalan Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, and turned to leave, but was pulled into Ye Jin's arms.

"You..." Just as Nalan Yue said a word, a shadow fell over her head.

Ye Jin lowered her head slightly, the affection in her phoenix eyes seemed to overflow, and kissed Nalan Yue's forehead directly.

Nalan Yue was about to swear, but Ye Jin reluctantly let go of her, and stuffed something cool in her hand.

Nalan Yue lowered her head and spread her palms, only to see that what he gave her was a transparent box with a lotus flower planted inside.

The petals of the lotus are colorful, giving off a faint glow, like a rainbow!

"Colorful heart lotus!" Nalan Yue looked at him in surprise, "Where did you come from?"

You must know that ordinary lotus flowers can be seen everywhere, but this colorful heart lotus blooms on the top of the snow mountain, and the flowering time is only 1 minute!

Picking it after the flowering period is already equivalent to a weed, but if it is in bloom, it will be worth a hundred times immediately!

Ye Jin smiled lightly, her eyes shining brightly like stars, "I picked it at random!"

Nalan Yue: "..." He really knows how to pick it!

(End of this chapter)

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