Chapter 186 Refining the Essence of Magic Crystal
"I can't take this thing!" Nalan Yue raised her eyes and handed the box to him directly.

This thing is a priceless and marketless treasure, and it is of great benefit to practitioners!
Ye Jin frowned, a trace of helplessness flashed in her phoenix eyes, and she raised her hand to pick up the box.

Unexpectedly, he directly raised his hand to open the box, and picked up the colorful heart lotus in the box.

Suddenly - Ye Jin quickly pinched Nalan Yue's chin, and directly stuffed the colorful heart lotus into her mouth.

His series of movements can be described as extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye!

Nalan Yue couldn't react at all.

"Cough..." Nalanyue choked and wanted to vomit, but the colorful heart lotus melted in her mouth, turning into water and flowing into Nalanyue's limbs and bones.

Immediately, Nalan Yue felt a strange sensation in her body, as if a fire was burning all over her body, and her dantian was full.

Seeing Nalan Yue's strange behavior, Ye Jin immediately picked her up and entered her room like the wind.

At this moment, Nalan Yue felt as if she was in a sea of ​​flames, her whole body glowed a strange red color, and there was spiritual energy surging in her body.

How could she care about whether Ye Jin would hug her or not, and whether she would eat her tofu now.

Now she can't wait to find a piece of tofu and kill her!
It's just too hot!People are almost roasted!

Ye Jin put Nalan Yue on the bed, and said quickly, "Quickly refine the essence of that magic crystal!"

The main function of the colorful heart lotus is to assist practitioners in refining some violent things, such as the essence of the magic crystal found in the magic crystal mountain range!
Ye Jin's voice was deep and sweet, like a person carrying a lamp in the dark, Nalan Yue subconsciously opened the space bracelet and took out the essence of the magic crystal.

Immediately, the essence of the magic crystal floated in front of Nalan Yue, emitting strands of light.

Nalan Yue closed her eyes tightly, while mobilizing the spiritual power in her body, she released a wave of spiritual energy to refine the essence of this magic crystal!

Ye Jinfeng stared at Nalanyue with serious eyes, as if her entire vision was glued together, she didn't blink for fear that something might happen to Nalanyue's refining process.

Ye Jin quietly observed the changes in Nalan Yue's face, and when she saw her brows relaxed and her complexion returned to normal, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Nalan Yue seemed to have reached the land of no one, she couldn't hear or see anything, she concentrated on refining the essence of the magic crystal in front of her.

Because of the support of the colorful heart lotus, Nalan Yue's refining is half-effective, and she doesn't have to worry about being backlashed.

Ye Jinfeng half-closed her eyes, lazily and casually, but her eyes were filled with doting, "I'll wait for your answer in three days, but you must be mine!"

What he said seemed to be for her, but also seemed to be for himself.

Then, Ye Jin walked out of the room slowly, and closed the door very lightly.

This seven-colored heart lotus may not be enough to refine the essence of the entire magic crystal, he must find another one.

After walking out of the room, Ye Jin snapped her fingers in the air - "Pa-ta!"

Immediately, the left and right protectors fell from the roof and half knelt on the ground.

"Protect Yue'er, don't let her be disturbed!"

The guardians on the left and right responded in unison, "Yes!"

You must know that if a person is disturbed while cultivating, his strength will regress at least, and he will go crazy and die at worst.

Ye Jin looked back at the closed door again, and a smile flashed in his eyes as he looked at the lonely bathtub in the yard.

Xiaoyue'er, you must be mine!must be!Who dares to fight with me, I will destroy his whole clan!

 The author said: There are two more updates tonight ~ don't worry!Wow!
(End of this chapter)

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