Chapter 215 Crisis Strikes
The unicorn carriage roared and flew into the dark sky.

In the carriage, Nalan Yue closed her eyes and meditated, she did not speak, her long eyelashes rolled up, like a butterfly fluttering its wings on the petals.

Ye Jin made tea with a smile, sipping it once in a while, turning his eyes around Nalan Yue from time to time, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

His sight was like the sun hundreds of millions of meters away, and it was also like the piercing wheat light, so Nalan Yue couldn't help but open his eyes.

The eyes of the two collided unexpectedly, causing ripples, and the atmosphere gradually became strange again.

With a smile on his lips, Ye Jin handed a cup of tea to Nalan Yue, "Drink more bodhi juice."

When he said this, his tone was light and floating, as if the breeze was passing over the water, as if he said to drink more water.

Nalan Yue took the teacup with a half-smile, and was about to drink it.

The unicorn carriage suddenly shook violently, and Nalan Yue's hand also trembled slightly.

"Crack!" The bodhi tea in Nalan Yue's hand immediately fell to the ground, the white jade teacup shattered all over the floor, the crystal clear bodhi juice flowed on the ground, and the aroma filled the entire carriage.

Nalan Yue looked at the bodhi tea on the ground distressedly, and yelled at him without thinking, "Ye Jin, what are you doing!"

Do you want to treat tens of millions of bodhi juice like this?Is there such a loser?If you don't want to give her a drink, just say so!

Because Ye Jin used this trick several times before, so this time Nalan Yue didn't doubt it, and directly questioned her.

Ye Jinjian's brows were about to tie into a knot, his face was serious, he shook his head, "It's really not my fault!"

Nalan Yue pinched her waist with both hands, and pointed at him angrily, "You are still..." What are you pretending!
Before Nalan Yue finished speaking, the carriage shook violently again, as if it was about to disperse.

Suddenly, the roar of the unicorn came from outside, the sound was ear-piercing, trying to break the sky.

Then the carriage dived down rapidly at a flying speed, the whole carriage was almost straight at ninety degrees!
The low stools on the tea table in the carriage fell together in a "crackling" manner, and the originally gorgeous carriage suddenly became a mess.

Nalan Yue also noticed something was wrong, if it was really Ye Jin who did it, he would not be able to make the carriage like this.

Nalan Yue raised her eyes to look at Ye Jin, only to see that Ye Jin's face was unusually serious at this time, and there seemed to be a thin layer of ice in the enchanting phoenix eyes, and even a dark red frightening light rose.

Nalan Yue's heart suddenly "thumped", she had never seen Ye Jin show such an expression as if he was facing an enemy.

But she didn't panic, instead she asked him calmly, "What happened?"

Saying that, Nalan Yue wanted to go to the window to have a look.

Ye Jin noticed her movement, and said hastily, "Don't go near the window!"

Nalan Yue stopped in her footsteps. She knew that Ye Jin was worried that she would be targeted, but in fact, judging from her ability to react, there was no problem at all.

But Nalan Yue still didn't move forward, just stood there, asking him what they should do next with his eyes.

Ye Jin clenched her fists and stared at Nalan Yue with her phoenix eyes, but suddenly he showed a charming smile again, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and looked at him.

For some reason, when she heard him say that, a gleam of warmth suddenly flashed across her heart, but for some reason, she always had a bad premonition in her heart.

It was as if something unacceptable to her would happen later!

 The author said: Thank you, Spring Desire is late, my friend's reward, what a da! ^o^
(End of this chapter)

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