Chapter 216 Counterattack
Just as Nalan Yue was thinking wildly, there was a piercing sound from the outer wall of the carriage made of platinum.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was the sound of arrows hitting the outer wall of the carriage. The continuous sound was like a rapid rainstorm, which made people's ears numb.

A frightening flame suddenly appeared around them, and the gunpowder smoke filled the air, making the cheeks of the two of them flush.

Clouds of thick gray smoke poured in, making people sick.

"Toxic!" Nalan Yue reminded Ye Jin, immediately blocked her breathing, and secretly mobilized her spiritual power.

Ye Jin also immediately used her spiritual power to resist the poisonous smoke in the sky, groped towards Nalan Yue in the dark car, and hugged her into her arms.

His voice sounded very stable at this moment, like a cluster of sparks in the dark, "The carriage is about to explode, we must jump off."

Nalan Yue nodded very calmly. In the darkness, her clear eyes were faintly emitting a dew-like light, which was indescribably beautiful.

Three, two, one!

"Boom—" the carriage exploded instantly, and Nalan Yue and Ye Jin jumped out of the carriage as early as the last second.

The fragments of the carriage exploded in the night sky like a dazzling firework.

Nalan Yue sighed slightly, the defense of the unicorn carriage is extremely high, but now it can be easily smashed by people, which shows the strength of the enemy!
At this time, in the night sky, dozens of men in black who were almost merging into the night were chasing after them reluctantly.

All of them held swords, bows and arrows, and under the bleak moonlight, the shadows of swords and swords reflected their cold and ruthless eyes.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!
And in mid-air, Ye Jin's calm long arms embraced Nalan Yue and fell rapidly, the cold wind seemed to have thorns and hit Nalan Yue's cheeks painfully.

Nalan Yue secretly clenched her fingers, and couldn't help but sweat when she looked at the man in black behind her. When she looked down again, she realized that they were still thousands of meters away from the ground.

Well, that means they are still thousands of meters high in the air, and even their breathing is a bit depressed!
"Hiss—" Over there, the unicorn ran over with scars all over its body, and roared forward with its two hooves.

In the blink of an eye, the unicorn came to their feet.

Ye Jin lifted her foot, spun around Nalan Yue in her arms and landed on the back of the unicorn.

At this time, the unicorn opened its hidden wings, and the two huge wings flew towards the ground like the two wings of an airplane.

A flash of surprise flashed in Nalan Yue's eyes, it was actually a mutated unicorn, but at the moment Nalan Yue couldn't care less to appreciate it.

Because - behind, dozens of men in black were chasing after him, and rows of archers kept shooting back.

Countless black arrows rained at the two of them at an unimaginable speed with spiritual energy, and they were about to shoot them into a hornet's nest!
At this moment, the left and right protectors also came out from the dark, waiting in full force, and mobilized their spiritual power to break the arrows one by one.

On the other hand, Ye Jin turned around neatly, her phoenix eyes were full of cold light, her hands made a strange knot, and her whole body was covered with pale silver light.

Immediately, the wind blew up and the wind blew violently. The rain of arrows suddenly turned in one direction and attacked the man in black.

Nalan Yue didn't just watch the show, she quickly pressed the attack mode of the space bracelet.

In an instant, thousands of silver needles appeared in the night sky, emitting a cold dark green poisonous light.

Since the phoenix bracelet lifted the seal, the attack mode of the bracelet has been completely strengthened, from shooting a hundred silver needles to now a thousand silver needles!

 The author said: Well!It takes tomorrow to write about the long-awaited things of my friends...Waving hands ~ see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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