Chapter 221 The Puppet Man Is Strengthening
I saw that the spiritual power that originally attacked the puppet's eyeballs hit his eyebrows fiercely in an instant!
This is the soldier never tires of cheating!Older gingers are more spicy!
Ye Jin never thought of attacking the puppet's eyes from the very beginning, but just used a small trick!

Nalan Yue sighed slightly, in terms of scheming, even the queen mother who has stayed in the deep palace for decades may not be able to play with Ye Jin!

Why do you think this beautiful boy is so black-bellied!
Over there, Ye Jin's thick aura turned into an invincible sharp sword, and the moment it passed through the puppet's eyebrows - a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared around the puppet's body, with a thick and strange light shining !
All of a sudden, Ye Jin's aura was dispersed, and the circle of black mist instantly turned into a puppet's protective cover!

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes and frowned, she suddenly had a bad feeling...

Ye Jin suddenly said quickly, "He's in the process of strengthening and upgrading!"

After speaking, Ye Jin immediately attacked him.

Nalan Yue was startled, knowing that once the puppets were strengthened and upgraded, they would definitely not be able to deal with them!

Nalan Yue immediately took out the grenade, and at this moment, regardless of whether it was useful or not, she threw it at the puppet, anyway, the blind cat will kill the mouse!
"Bang——" the grenade exploded, but it only exploded outside the black mist, and couldn't hurt the puppets inside at all!

Nalan Yue continued to throw, whoosh!It's like throwing a stone!
Unfortunately, it's useless!
The black fog shield is too tough too!

The black air around the puppet is getting thicker and thicker, and it is obvious that it will be strengthened soon!The area between his eyebrows has been completely blocked by him!

Seeing that the puppet was about to be strengthened successfully, Nalan Yue was secretly anxious, suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to her mind!
Yes!She has a little god tree!As long as the little god tree stretches out a small vine to make a hole in the ground, and then put the strong poison she refined into it!

Nalan Yue looked at Ye Jin, and made a mouth shape to him: "Little God Tree."

Ye Jin understood in an instant, and nodded at her, but the sword in his hand was still attacking the black fog shield to confuse the public.

Nalan Yue immediately awakened the little God Tree who was cultivating in the space, and the little God Tree was arrogant for a long time, and finally, under the condition that Nalan Yue allowed her to drink blood, she happily agreed.

Nalan Yue lightly shook her head, sweat!As a member of the fantasy time travel army, she is definitely the most unlucky!
My beast pet likes to drink my own blood, isn't this... oh, it's tears if I say too much!
The little god tree may be able to drink the delicious blood of its master later, so it moves abnormally fast.

After a while, a movement was dug out on the ground, and Nalan Yue stuffed the strong poison in his hand on its vines, signaling that it would sprinkle the poison on the puppet.

The Little God Tree immediately grasped the poison, stretched out a tentacle-like vine toward the hole, and followed the vine until it reached the black mist protective cover.

It may be that the sacred tree has already poured the poison on the puppet, and suddenly the puppet's piercing and terrifying screams sounded—"Ah! Ah! Ah~"

The black mist shield around the puppet has gradually dissipated. It is obvious that the puppet has failed to strengthen!
At this moment, the little god tree has successfully completed the task and came out of the hole unscathed, and kept shaking its branches towards Nalanyue.

Nalanyue gave it a thumbs up, reassuring it to drink blood for her after a while.

Little God Tree obediently ran into the space bracelet.

At this time, the puppet's defense has been greatly weakened after being poisoned by Nalan Yue's latest ultra-violent grade poison.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him!
Ye Jin drew his sword decisively and stabbed the puppet between the eyebrows. The puppet roared and ran towards Ye Jin at a speed like the wind, with the idea of ​​dying with Ye Jin!

Nalan Yue immediately rushed over, holding several needles in his hands, each of which was tied with tiny bombs!

"Roar! Kill!" The puppet man shouted hoarsely, his mouth opened wide as if he wanted to eat people!
At this moment, he was very close to Ye Jin!

Nalan Yue immediately threw out the anesthetic needle in her hand, and threw all of them into the puppet's mouth.

 The author said: The fifth update is over, although it is not written, but you can still see it in the morning ~ don't worry ~ ok!Good dream buddy!

(End of this chapter)

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