Chapter 222 Enhanced Puppet Man
In an instant—"Bang!" The explosion exploded, and the anesthetic took effect, just like the two puppets before, they both appeared in a short-lived state of stiffness.

A second is enough for a contest between the strong, and Ye Jin has already pierced the puppet's forehead at this moment.

The long sword is icy cold, Ye Jin's black hair is flying, and her black robe is flirting with wind. She is so handsome!
"Ahhhhhhh!" The puppet screamed again and again, and the next second it turned into green smoke and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

You must know that the souls of those people whose souls were extracted to be refined into puppets have already been crushed, and there is no possibility of reincarnation in life after life.

Therefore, refining puppets is a thoroughly evil thing that is cast aside by all people!

In the second match, the puppets were defeated!

Ye Jin had already withdrawn her long sword, her phoenix eyes looked at Nalan Yue worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Nalan Yue shook her head lightly.

Ye Jin was as gentle as the light of a broken star, and lightly brushed her slightly messy hair, "Men and women match, you won't be tired from fighting monsters!"

"Fuck you!" Nalan Yue angrily slapped his big palm away.

Ye Jin withdrew her hand awkwardly, frowned, as if thinking of something, "By the way, what did Yue'er use before?"

What Ye Jin was referring to was Nalan Yue's pistol, grenade and bomb just now!

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes twice, feeling a little annoyed in her heart, how could she ignore this master.

However, Nalan Yue's mouth was still laughing, "That's right, isn't that the girl's unique hidden weapon?"

"Of course it's fine!" Ye Jin touched her small forehead lightly, but he also knew in his heart that Yue'er hadn't told her the truth.

But he won't force her, he just needs to wait until their three-day agreement!
But at this moment, there was another extremely heavy and strange sound in the silent woods.

Such a heavy sound is very obvious in the increasingly silent night, like the sound of hitting the head on the ground!
Nalan Yue and Ye Jin immediately fell silent and looked at each other.

At this moment, the behemoth that made a lumbering sound had appeared.

He looks very similar to the puppet, but different, because he is almost several times the size of the puppet who teased me before!

This looks like a combination of a weird monster and a giant!
Ye Jin said in a deep voice, the sword eyebrows were tightly locked together, "This is the enhanced version of the puppet!"

Unexpectedly, the biggest hole card is actually this puppet!

Nalan Yue was shocked, how could there be an enhanced version of the puppet?
But now is not the time to ask about this!

This enhanced version of the puppet, the wind blows from the soles of the feet, the dust is flying, and it rolls like a tornado!

A bloodthirsty look flashed across Ye Jinfeng's eyes, but Jun's face remained calm!

He looked towards Nalan Yue, his eyes were full of love, "Good boy, go!"

Nalan Yue stubbornly shook her head.

Although she is extremely weak, she can't do it without her companions who fight side by side!

Ye Jinfeng's eyes flickered, and although she was angry in her heart, the words she said were gentle and doting, full of love, "Be good! I can deal with him alone! I have already notified the people in Shura Hall It will be here soon!"

Nalan Yue clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging deep into her flesh.

She knew that she could only become Ye Jin's burden here, but at this moment her legs seemed to be filled with lead, she couldn't move and didn't want to move!
The distance between the puppet and the two of them was getting closer and closer, and even the sand and soil he picked up under his feet had the strength of a knife.

Ye Jin looked at Nalan Yue helplessly, she was so stubborn that he almost drove him crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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