Chapter 238 The king will definitely come back

That road is her amulet!It's best not to disappear for the rest of your life, you'll suffocate him to death!

Guliang, but why are you more anxious than anyone else in the future...Of course this is just a later story!

Seeing that the kitten was about to blow up again, Ye Jin quickly changed the subject, "Yue'er has to practice hard when she goes back!"

There is still one week before the start of the Imperial City competition!

"Nonsense!" Nalan Yue gave him a light look.

The unicorn has reached the sky above the back mountain of Xiangfu.

Just as Nalan Yue got up, she was hugged horizontally by Ye Jin, a princess, and fell lightly to the ground.

The trees were shaded, the sun was mottled all over the place, the sky was blue and white clouds, they looked at each other, and they spun and fell from the sky round after round.

The fragrance of hanzi was fragrant, and the pure white viburnum floated in, sprinkled on his and her robe tails.

Ye Jin whispered in her ear, "Yue'er, thank you for getting the mysterious medicine."

It's because the overall strength of this batch of medicinal pills Shura Hall has been raised by a level!
"Why do we need to say thank you!" Nalan Yue clasped his fingers with him, smiling with clear eyes.

The two landed directly in Nalan Yue's lotus garden, the rockery and flowing water lotus, oh, everything has become a lingering and beautiful picture scroll.

Nalan Yue pulled away his arms slightly, and poked his shoulder, "Hurry up and go back to recuperate!"

Ye Jin's eyes were affectionate, and she was reluctant to hold Nalan Yue's hands, "Can I recuperate here?"

"No!" Nalan Yue gritted her teeth and gave him a blank look.

I wipe!I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her in this prime minister's mansion!It's thanks to him to say that he's still recovering here...

Ye Jin leaned against a tree arrogantly and aggrievedly, with her arms folded, her phoenix eyes squinting at her.

A look of "you can figure it out"!

Nalan Yue felt both angry and funny, and was completely defeated by him, so she took a step forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Lu'er, who covered her face with the lid of the pot, was almost taken aback, her saliva dripped all over the floor.

Wow!King Jin is mighty!Ms. Mighty!

"Not enough!" Ye Jin tilted her head and looked at her arrogantly.

Nalan Yue was about to jump angrily, "Ye Jin, don't push yourself!"

"Oh~ Yue'er, this king's heart is broken!" Ye Jinfeng's eyes contained a trace of grievance, she flicked her cuffs like a prostitute, and flew towards the wall of the Prime Minister's mansion without looking back.

Nalan Yue: "..." Childish!
"Yue'er, this king will definitely come back!" Ye Jin stood on the top of the wall paved with blue tiles, with a round of dazzling red sun above his head, and the radiant rays surrounded his body.

It's just... ahem, even Big Big Wolf's classic lines are included!

Nalan Yue turned around and walked towards the room with black lines all over her head.

"Miss, you are finally back!" The little girl Lu'er dared to come out when she saw that the cruel prince had left.

Nalan Yue looked at her, "Isn't someone coming to find trouble these days?"

Miss Lu'er shook her head, her big eyes were watery, "Only Li Yaoshi came to deliver some pills to Miss, but the servant girl told Li Pharmacist that Miss would practice again, and then Li Pharmacist put down the pills and left."

Nalan Yue smiled at her, her elegant face was extremely beautiful.

No wonder there are so many novels, there must be a girl who is loyal to protect the lord, this is simply a super good helper!

"Miss, I heard that the Eldest Miss and the Eldest Young Master have gone out to practice, and the Second Miss is in retreat, so what are you going to do, Miss?"

Lu'er's big eyes were twinkling, and her very delicate face was full of admiration.

Perhaps this is the so-called protagonist effect. The little girl Lu'er has been admired by her own lady!
(End of this chapter)

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