Chapter 239 See the First Step of the System Master

Nalan Yue nodded slightly, no wonder no one came to make trouble, so they were all practicing!

Cough, but if Nalan Yue knew that the reason why Lu'er admired her so much was because she kissed King Jin just now, she wondered if she would burst into tears.

Then, under the expectant expression of Lu'er's little friend, Nalan Yue said very seriously, "Eat, drink and play while sleeping!"

Lu'er instantly petrified, "..."! ! !
Nalan Yue patted the little girl's shoulder comfortingly, and smiled lightly, "I'm kidding you!"

Saying that, Nalan Yue walked towards the room, she was going to harass the master of the system!
In the room, Nalan Yue sat cross-legged, concentrated her mind, and entered the cultivation mode without distracting thoughts.

Isn't the first step to meet the master of the system is to be promoted!

Or do you think that you only need to rely on your voice and shout: the master of the system, come out quickly!Is the honorable master of the system coming to serve you?

Do not make jokes!Practicing hard is the right way!

From day to night, Nalan Yue has no promotion!

From night to day again, Nalan Yue still hasn't been promoted yet!

At this time, Nalan Yue's forehead was already covered with thick beads of sweat, each and every one was dripping off her forehead.

She had drank bodhi juice before, so now the spiritual energy in her body has reached a full state, but it has been too late to advance,
This made Nalan Yue, who had been on the road of cultivation smoothly, feel extremely depressed for the first time.

She concentrated, gathered all her spiritual power together again, and tried to break through again, but all ended in failure.

The blue dress on Nalan Yue's body was almost wet with the sweat, and it wrapped around her body, revealing her beautiful curves.

Why couldn't he be promoted this time?Could it be that because you can't test the attributes, you can't even practice?
Nalan Yue secretly thought, but suddenly, a light flashed in her mind, she seemed to suddenly understand something!
This feeling is like a bright light suddenly lit up in a confused darkness!
It's a mentality problem!definitely is!

The reason why her promotion was easy before was because she had the idea of ​​letting nature take its course, unlike the deep obsession she has now, and she only wants to meet the master of the system!
Therefore, although strength is important as a cultivator, what is more important is to cultivate the mind and maintain a good state of mind!
Nalan Yue's sudden awakening caused more and more aura to gather around her, and the colorful light almost blinded people's eyes.

Nalan Yue already felt that she had touched the threshold of a six-star martial artist, and she could break through with just one click—suddenly, a phoenix appeared between her brows, and a golden promotion circle like water ripples came from the sky.

At the same time, accompanied by the misty voice of the system master, "Promotion to a six-star warrior..."

Just when the voice was about to dissipate like a breeze, Nalan Yue immediately opened her eyes and jumped out of bed, "Master of the System, wait a minute!"

But this ethereal voice has disappeared, Nalan Yue couldn't help but sighed slightly, but it doesn't matter if he didn't catch the master of the system today, isn't there still tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...

Facts have proved that there is no need for Nalan Moon to go to tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow!
Because—a smoky golden light suddenly appeared in front of Nalan Yue, and gradually, a tall and slender young man appeared, with a golden mask on his face, and his eyes were also like sunlight Bright gold!
It's just that his body is as faintly transparent as before, as if the wind blows gently, he might be blown away.

(End of this chapter)

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