Chapter 248 The Gale Leopard Was Completely Angry
Ye Jin nodded, the doting light in her phoenix eyes was like the stars in the night sky, full of youthful beauty.

He brought her here to practice this time, so he won't intervene until the moment of crisis!
Ye Jin flew and landed on the towering tree behind him, leaning lightly on the ancient tree, with a handsome face, but the corners of his eyes were always locked on Nalan Yue below.

Down below, Ye Jin had already raised the hatred of several Storm Leopards!

And when they saw that the accomplice they had been with day and night had died at this moment, they were even more furious!

This group of Storm Leopards is going berserk!
"Roar..." The roar was deafening, and the towering trees trembled.

Nalan Yue was holding a small dagger, a bloodthirsty sneer flashed across her elegant face, and she pointed her fingers at a group of blast beasts full of anger.

That speaks for itself!Contempt undisguised contempt!

The three Gale Leopards who were already full of anger were furious, completely furious!

They didn't talk about fairness or unfairness, they simply roared and rushed towards Nalan Yue, intending to send her flying!

Cough cough... Warcraft who told you fairness, if you want fairness, you have to show your real skills!
Nalan Yue's face was indifferent, as calm as a calm lake, as if the crazy Gale Leopard in front of her didn't exist!

Her clear eyes flickered with eagerness, she clenched the small dagger tightly, and flew up, the breeze lifted her black hair, and her blue skirt swayed slightly.

It was supposed to be a very beautiful scene, but it looked so thrilling at this moment - Nalan Yue raised his knife and fell, finally stabbing the Gale Leopard who was running in the front!

There are no fancy moves in her moves, only the deadly danger and bloodthirsty feeling!

"Boom—" Gale Leopard whimpered, and his huge body collapsed to the ground like a puddle of stagnant water.

And Nalan Yue didn't feel complacent just because he solved this Gale Leopard. This Gale Leopard was just the weakest of the three.

That's why Nalan Yue chose it. Its defense is slightly lower, so it has a high chance of being fatal with one blow!

Seeing the death of their companions, the remaining two Gale Leopards were as angry as if they had been poured on a bucket, ten barrels of oil!

They were as fast as lightning, and their front paws were about to pounce on Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue smiled lightly, there was still blood flowing from the small dagger, it looked especially permeable under the sun, making people shudder.

Her figure was as light as a swallow, and she moved to one side nimbly.

"Boom—" The two Gale Leopards collided with the ancient tree in front of them, and the towering ancient tree swayed and fell down.

This is enough to show how powerful the crazy Gale Leopard is!
Nalanyue's face was still indifferent, calm, with no fear in her eyes, this time she chose to take the initiative.

The sharp blade of the small dagger glowed coldly. You must know that the current small dagger is not what it used to be, and its value has doubled to become a magical weapon.

Therefore, the attack attribute is very strong!Of course, it would be even better if the small dagger was refined again!
Knowing that their prey had escaped, the two Gale Leopards were so angry that their front hooves kept digging the soil, and the mud and sand flew all over the sky.

Little did they know that they were also Nalan Yue's prey!
"Ho... Roo...", they rushed towards Nalan Yue again as fast as lightning.

At this time, Nalan Yue had already circled around their backs faster, and the two Gale Leopards lost their prey in front of their eyes, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Nalan Yue again.

The swift front hooves of the Gale Leopard vowed to crush everything, and the fiery eyes were about to bleed, it was very frightening!

(End of this chapter)

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