Chapter 249 How Can You Let It Be Rampant?
Nalan Yue chuckled, picked up the branch at hand, and landed on another branch as light as a swallow.

The two Gale Leopards had already gone mad, and they ran straight towards the tree where Nalan Yue was.

If the dangerous situation is ignored at this time, the scene of two monsters crashing into a tree is really laughable.

But Nalan Yue couldn't be ridiculous at the moment, she was calculating the speed of the Gale Leopard, the time it would take to break through the ancient tree, and the probability of her being killed with one move.

In her super powerful brain, a bunch of data flashed out like a computer, dazzling, but Nalan Yue memorized them all in her heart.

But don't be curious, she doesn't have any superpowers, it's just that her brain is more sophisticated and smarter than ordinary people, otherwise she can secure the position of the leader of the killer world for more than ten years!
But girl... are you sure your super brain is only a little smarter than the average person?
Just when the gust of wind hits the tree like a beast - this is the time!

There was a trace of coldness in Nalan Yue's eyes, and his whole body was like an arrow from the bow, swooping down and piercing towards the Gale Leopard's head.

And the moment Nalan Yue came down from the tree, the towering ancient tree behind her fell to the ground instantly.

Gale Leopard's head was intact, but in the next second, Nalan Yue's small dagger had already stabbed it down!
Everything is just a flash, the speed is unimaginable!

The small dagger was instantly inserted into the back of one of the Storm Leopards' heads, and Nalan Yue had already discovered that it was its weak spot.

So with a knife down, the Gale Leopard was dying immediately, and finally died.

"Kang Dang!" Its huge body hit the ancient tree, and the roots of the huge ancient tree have been shattered!
The only remaining Gale Leopard's furious red eyes looked at the girl in the blue dress with a hint of coldness and unwillingness.

Although it is an intermediate monster, its mind has not yet fully developed, but it also knows that it can't beat her, after all, just three of them, no, five of them can't beat one of them!
But Gale Leopard is the one who values ​​unity the most, and must avenge his partners!

The last Gale Leopard sneered and roared, unwilling and helpless, it scratched the ground with its hind hooves, but did not attack Nalan Yue.

Rather——its already huge body actually inflated more and more, like a balloon being blown more and more inflated!

It seems that the whole beast body is about to explode!

"No, it's going to expose itself!" Ye Jin immediately got up and flew down from the ancient tree.

After being reminded by Ye Jin, Nalan Yue immediately knew that this piece of shit would die with her!
She shook her head towards Ye Jin, signaling that it's okay.

Ye Jin frowned, but still obediently listened to what his concubine said, and didn't move the Gale Leopard.

But he has already condensed the protective cover at any time!

Nalan Yue was very calm. She immediately took out the enhanced corrosion potion and various potent poisons from the space bracelet.

OK!Are we going to die together?Go dreaming!
In fact, Nalan Yue had already calculated the time in her mind, so she poured all these on it at a very fast speed.

This girl will definitely let you know how life is worse than death!

Sure enough—the Gale Leopard, who was concentrating his spiritual energy and preparing to expose himself, had suffered eight hundred lifetimes of misfortune, but his body that was about to explode slowly dissipated.

Now it looks like a deflated balloon!
Blast Leopard wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart, why didn't he even give him death!

The mistake is that it still wants to drag Nalan Yue to die together, how can Nalan Yue let it go crazy for a life of iron and blood!

(End of this chapter)

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