Chapter 301
They all coincidentally did not say a word about parting!

But he and Nalan Yue don't know now... There is no need to wait until five days later, because it happened...

On one side, Feng Chu and Meng Luo touched their noses.

I'm going, it's just a task for five days apart, if you want to do it like a parting of life... Pooh, what are you talking about?

"We'll see you in five days." Feng Chu and Meng Luo smiled at Ye Jin and were about to get into the carriage.

Ye Jin didn't speak, took a step forward, and patted the two of them on the shoulders, the meaning was self-evident - we must protect Xiaoyue'er!

Feng Chu and Meng Luo also stopped laughing, nodded solemnly, and made a promise.

This is the promise between men, you don't need any false words, just make a promise with your heart.

The unicorn carriage drove away immediately, and Ye Jin reluctantly looked away until the trace of the carriage could no longer be seen.

But for some reason, Ye Jin's heart is always a little weird, with an indescribable feeling! !

As if something was about to happen!
Ye Jin couldn't help but frowned, maybe he was too reluctant to let go of his little Yue'er.

To be honest, he really misses her a little now!

The night male god... It's been less than a minute since he left!
Night God: So what!Are you in control of my king's thoughts?
royal mansion

The national teacher stood by the window, raised the corners of his mouth as if he was relieved, this kid is still so infatuated!

I just hope that some things really don't happen again!
The national teacher let out a long sigh, and his eyes were stained with helplessness and deep thought!
——Small moon dividing line——

The snow mountain is tens of thousands of miles away from the imperial city, in the extreme north of the mainland, and must pass through the state of Chu first, and there is no direct route to it.

There is no doubt about the speed of the unicorn, and it has already traveled one-third of the way!

The snow-capped mountains are covered with snow all year round, and there are thousands of miles of icebergs. Of course, all kinds of rare treasures are also indispensable.

Of course, these are all learned from Fengchu and Meng Luo, there is no way to read less, although I have read the brief history of the mainland, but it is just an understatement of some places!

At this time, Feng Chu kept saying, "Chu's sisters are the most beautiful among the three countries on the mainland, and I don't know if I can catch one this time!"

Meng Luo, the best bad friend, poured cold water on him again, "She is beautiful, so you have to stand aside!"

Nalan Yuebai called the two brats on the opposite side, please, they are going to do a mission, okay?

Does it have anything to do with picking up girls?
However, Chu State?How come it sounds familiar!
Oh~ Aren't the teenagers who were tricked by her and Ye Jin earlier belong to Chu State? The one in the lead seems to be called Murong Xuan!
Judging from the appearances of the young men from before, the Chu people are somewhat similar to Westerners, and they also have a taste of Xinjiang people.

If you talk about sister paper, this kind of woman with an exotic style will indeed be very beautiful and attractive!
Here, the two teenagers are still arguing non-stop, Feng Chu glared at Meng Luo angrily, "I think you should stand aside!"

He is such a beautiful young suitor, he can go around the mainland three times, okay?

Meng Luo said disdainfully, "If I stand aside, you have to lean against the wall!"

Pfft... Nalanyue was speechless, and patted the table with her white palm, "You guys should just go and lie on the ground!"

Really drunk!Isn't this kind of meaningless quarrel a waste of saliva!
Lean, land, lie, lie!This is too cruel!
Feng Chu and Meng Luo immediately fell silent, glared at each other, and directly met their eyes!

Nimei is so dirty~ Two beautiful boys discharge together!
(End of this chapter)

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