Chapter 302 Who Is She

Lean, land, lie, lie!This is too cruel!
Feng Chu and Meng Luo immediately fell silent, glared at each other, and directly met their eyes!

Nimei is so dirty~ Two beautiful boys discharge together!
Nalanyue complained a bit, closed her eyes, and entered the state of cultivation.

No matter what you do, strength is the most important thing!
I don't know how long it has passed, Fengchu, the brat, made a big fuss, "I'm sorry, the sisters of Chu State are so beautiful~"

Nalan Yue has evolved to the point of being extremely speechless, are your sisters here to travel to pick up girls, or are they here to do missions!

But ~ there are good-looking girls who don't look at it for nothing!Girl, you are also a good-looking girl... In fact, just look at yourself!
Nalan Yue looked out from the raised window, and the surrounding buildings were full of charm, a bit of western romantic style.

The streets are very bustling, much more prosperous than Huaguo anyway, ahem... She didn't mean anything else, Huaguo was originally the smallest and weakest country among the Three Kingdoms.

It can be seen from the imperial city competition, because it is related to Qinglong Academy, so the three countries on the mainland are holding their own imperial city competitions.

There were only 3000 candidates from Hua, while Chu and another country, Lin, had at least twice as many candidates as Hua!
The disparity in strength, the number of people and the number of people are few, and it is clearly displayed at once!

Naturally, this fellow Fengchu also babbled all these out along the way!
On the street, the women with exotic customs seemed very enthusiastic and generous, and they didn't have much rejection of foreigners. There were also a few bold girls who winked at Feng Chu and Meng Luo in public.

This... Nalan Yue won't be surprised if someone comes to strike up a conversation later!

This folk style is really open enough!

Feng Chu smiled coquettishly, like a little fox, "Sure enough, I'm still the most charming man, but you, Little Mencius, have been smitten by my young master!"

Meng Luo said coldly, "Who knows you!"

These guys like to pinch each other when they have nothing to do, completely hurting friends!
Nalan Yue saw a burst of black lines, "Unicorn, hurry up."

These two brats are too dirty!

Because Ye Jin had already told her the formula to control the unicorn before, and Nalan Yue fed it a pair of jelly beans, er, western medicine!

So now the unicorns are extraordinarily obedient!

Unicorn: Humph~ Didn't they buy you a few jelly beans, huh~ That's clearly Master Ye's harsh words!

"Roar..." The speed of the unicorn suddenly increased, and the breeze roared.

Beside the window, the hanging curtain was lifted inadvertently, and Nalan Yue just happened to turn her head to look out of the window!

All of this seems to be designed, and it seems to be destined!

On the smooth street, a beautiful woman is standing and walking slowly. She is wearing a bright red dress, very pretty and bright, it seems that the whole sun is not as dazzling as her!
With a heroic appearance, flying black hair, and a graceful red dress, it is hard to imagine that she can wear the warm red so gorgeously.

But these are not important, what is important is that when Nalan Yue saw her for the first time, her heart was shocked unexpectedly, she was so familiar!

Is it possible that... She wants to see her face!
This is an extremely strong thought that suddenly popped up in Nalan Yue's heart!

Perhaps it was also an arrangement of fate, the woman happened to be looking in Nalan Yue's direction.

The woman's face is also very pretty, with twinkling eyes, but with a hint of heroism like red plums in the winter cold, her skin can be broken by blows, and her red lips are sweet.

 The author said: Huihui ~ good night ~
(End of this chapter)

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