Chapter 306
The old man was about to put away the magic crystal with joy, and a smile always flashed across his eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

Just at this moment—an extremely sharp female voice came over, "Fucking trash, what are you doing here!"

This voice is a bit familiar!

Nalan Yue frowned, and raised her eyes to look at the source of the sound - three gorgeously dressed people were walking towards this place, one of them was the little girl who was thrown out of the Royal Mansion by Ye Jin before and turned out to be disheveled .

At this time, she looks like a human being, with fair skin, big eyes with thick eyelashes, and dimpled cheeks, quite like a doll!

It's just that those eyes were full of viciousness, which took away her lovely temperament.

Luo Zhenzhen raised his chin proudly, looked at the kraft paper in Nalan Yue's hand and said sarcastically, "Heh, it's really ridiculous for a waste to exchange ten magic crystals for a piece of paper!"

"Haha... that's right!" The two teenagers behind Luo Zhenzhen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, looking at Nalan Yue with contempt.

"However, why do waste have so many magic crystals?"

"Well, I heard that she still has an affair with Prince this magic crystal, heh!"

Hearing the chorus of his companions behind him, Luo Zhenzhen raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer.

This may be the best chance to get rid of this trash, because of her she was thrown out of the Royal Mansion!
Can Nalan Yue be bullied?
Obviously it's impossible, she hooked her lips with a sneer, and Nalan Yue said in a cold voice, "Being naked by the whole city, how do you still have the face to come out!"

Nalan Yue's words can be said to be a sharp stab at someone's pain.

"You..." Luo Zhenzhen's baby face turned red immediately, and her almond eyes stared viciously at Nalan Yue.

Here, Feng Chu and Meng Luo looked at each other, "Let's go together!"

Before everyone understood what they were going to do, the two of them rushed towards the two teenagers behind Luo Zhenzhen like flying.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Feng Chu and Meng Luo, one by one, beat the two ignorant brats furiously.

Feng Chu yelled, "Fuck you, your whole family has ~ dyed!"

"You can die now!" Meng Luo's icy voice hit the man with his fists one after another.

The two teenagers were pressed to the ground and beaten to death.

Whether it's Ye Jin, Nalan Yue or Feng Chu, Meng Luo is the most protective!
And unreasonable excuses!
As long as you scold the person who beat us, then you are waiting to be beaten into scum!

The moment they heard them insulting Nalan Yue, their small universe completely exploded!
The anger value is full, so the attack is naturally heavy!

Nalan Yue hooked the corners of her lips in a smile, and turned her eyes to Luo Zhenzhen in front of her, let her abuse this scum!
He raised his finger lightly, flicked it slightly, and immediately a very thin silver needle shot at her.

Heh... Nalan Yue smiled lightly, probably this girl will want something like that in a while!
Don't blame her for being cruel, that's because Luo Zhenzhen provoked her first!

Otherwise, would she be so bored and want to take a shot at someone, and waste her poison!

At this moment, Luo Zhenzhen looked at the two companions who were beaten into dogs, and was so anxious that he didn't feel the pain at all, and he didn't notice Nalan Yue's small movements.

Instead, he looked anxious, looked at the two with foggy eyes, and wanted to plead cutely, "Master Feng, Master Luo Luo, please stop beating...they just want to talk about that trash!"

But Luo Zhenzhen didn't know that her words would add fuel to the fire!
The two beat each other even more violently!

(End of this chapter)

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