Chapter 307 Many Magic Crystal Essences
For people like them who are super defensive, it's okay to scold themselves, but once they hear others insulting their little friends, it's like eating gunpowder!
Under the attacks of Feng Chu and Meng Luo, the two teenagers who had been beaten into dogs had no power to defend themselves, and could only beg for mercy.

Luo Zhen was really running around in a hurry, but she didn't dare to step forward to stop it, nonsense, she couldn't beat them both!
So, she looked at Nalan Yue, her eyes were like poisonous snakes, "You trash, let them stop!"

Nalan Yue suddenly smiled, her smile was cold, and she put her arms around her arms, "I don't have that much face!"

Damn, I'm about to die, yet I dare to be so arrogant!
Luo Zhenzhen was about to be laughed out of anger, she didn't have such a big face?Can you please stop kidding me?

Aren't Young Master Feng and Young Master Meng trying to vent her anger?
Seeing that these two companions were about to be beaten to death, Luo Zhenzhen suddenly had an idea in his mind, thinking of a method that could not only save the two of them but also last until Nalan Yue!
The sneer at the corner of her mouth deepened, "Do you dare to make a bet with me? Of course, if you are afraid, you don't have to bet."

Nalan Yue shrugged with a half-smile, "I don't have that spare time to play with you."

Really, she asked her to bet she was going to bet?
Then she is too shameless!

Luo Zhen was really anxious, but still sneered, "Heh... If you don't dare, just say so!"

Nalan Yue put her arms around her arms, and sneered with clear eyes, how to provoke?

Sorry, she doesn't eat this set!
"Betting with a bitch like you is a shameful and humiliating thing!", which means that she is not worthy of betting with her at all!

Nalan Yue lightly dropped a sentence, a sly light flashed in her eyes, and she walked towards the old grandfather's booth.

If you want to make a bet to save someone, then show your sincerity!

The old man sat on the chair leisurely, very comfortable, um, while watching the fight between the few of them!
Nalan Yue was speechless, looking at other things on the booth.

The reason why she bought the blank kraft paper map before was actually a real snow mountain map, but it was wiped off by a special potion!

It is not difficult to recover!
The white-haired grandfather raised his eyelids and glanced at Nalan Yue, "Does the little girl still want to buy it?"

Nalan Yue nodded, and randomly picked up a stone from the stall. Her intuition told her that this old man is not simple, so maybe the things he sells are not ordinary!
Sure enough—when she just picked up the stone, although Nalan Yue didn't feel anything, she asked a few little gods in the space to help her see it.

The little guys were extremely excited in the space, and shouted, "It's the essence of the magic crystal!"

Magic crystal essence?Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes, looked at the gray stone in her hand, and was surprised.

Well, isn't the outer coating of the magic crystal essence obtained last time just dingy?

"Master, look at the other stones!" several little guys said excitedly.

Then Nalan Yue looked at the other gray stones on the booth, touched them one by one, and let the little guys in the space feel them one by one through the contract connection.

The little phoenix flapped its wings and called, "The essence of the magic crystal, there are many, many."

The little dagger spoke out arrogantly, brushing up the sense of presence, "Nine out of ten are the essence of the magic crystal!"

Nalanyue was astonished in her heart, damn it, when will the magic crystal essence become so much!
What are those things that look like branches next to it?

Could it be a baby too!

 The author said: Waving ~ good night friends.

(End of this chapter)

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