Chapter 319 Premeditated Trick

Lan Xin'er whispered in her ear again, her face covered with a veil was like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world, but there was a hint of sternness in it.

Not knowing what Lan Xin'er said, Luo Zhenzhen raised her eyes suddenly, and looked at the indifferent and holy woman in front of her.

There was a flash of panic in her heart, the soles of her feet were cold, and she suddenly regretted working with her a little bit.

I didn't expect such a woman to be so vicious!To actually think about... doing that!

Luo Zhenzhen quickly shook his head, "No, you can't do that!"

Lan Xin'er suddenly sneered, seeing through her thoughts, "What are you afraid of! I've already prepared things!"

Saying that, Lan Xin'er took out a few black spheres from the space ring - smoke bombs and explosives!
Luo Zhenzhen was still hesitating, "What if the snow mountain collapses and bury us in it!"

Yes, Lan Xin'er's poisonous plan is to blow up the snow mountain!

Although she really wanted to kill Nalan Yue, she never thought of burying her with her!

"Cowardly, no wonder you made that bitch look like before!" Lan Xin'er snorted coldly, reminding her not to forget what happened before!
This is the pain that is looking for her!

Sure enough, Luo Zhenzhen tightly clenched his fingers, his face was red and white, obviously recalling the previous events.

Immediately, she was so ashamed and indignant that she even wanted to tear Nalan Yue's heart apart!

I was chased by the yeti monster for no reason, and even chased naked ~ Ben!

hateful!She must make Nalan Yue die!to die!
As for that bet, heh, it's nothing compared to letting her kneel down to death!
"Okay, I promise you!" Luo Zhenzhen gritted his teeth, and popped out a few words from between his teeth.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything!" Lan Xin'er slightly raised the corners of her lips, giving her another reassurance.

Her face is still holy, as if she is otherworldly.

It's just that the viciousness hidden in the eyes makes people shudder!It seems to be hiding a poisonous snake!

You idiot, you are nothing but a scapegoat for this saint!Ah……

——Small moon dividing line——

On the Daxue Mountain, Nalan Yue and his two little friends have already climbed to the top of the Snow Mountain.

Little did they know that danger was about to come...

The mountain peak is majestic and majestic, straight into the sky, and the temperature is naturally extremely low. Standing on the top of the mountain, it seems that you can touch the blue sky by raising your hand.

It's a pity that the top of the snow mountain is the same as the bottom, except for the thick snow, there is nothing else.

In other words, all the way to the present, they have never seen anything other than snow!
"How can there be ice edge flowers here!" Feng Chu rubbed his slightly uncomfortable eyes and said depressedly.

Snow blindness is also a major danger of climbing snow-capped mountains, and it will cause considerable damage to the eyes.

"Take it and apply it on the eyes." Nalan Yue handed him a bottle of medicine.

Although there are sunglasses in her space, but this thing is too troublesome to explain, it is better than a bottle of potion!

Feng Chu happily took the potion, "Sister-in-law Xiaoyueyue, there are so many good things!"

Nalan Yue rolled his eyes at him, then looked around and said in a concentrated voice.

"Ice edge flowers exist, but we can't see them."

"Can't see it?" Meng Luo raised his eyebrows, and then said, "Then how can I see it?"

Meng Luo has always been a brainsack, but he doesn't know much about this snow edge flower, so he still has to be open-minded and ask for advice!
"Wait!" Nalan Yue spit out a word, looked up at the sky, according to modern time, it is estimated to be around eleven o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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