Chapter 320 Despised His IQ Again
"Sister-in-law Xiaoyue'er, how long will you have to wait?" Feng Chu asked while applying eye drops.

Meng Luo helped him paint on the side.

It seems that the two really seem to be good friends!

Ahem... Don't get me wrong, the friendship between the two is pure and cruel!

Nalan Yue glanced at the two of them, parted her pink lips, and explained, "The ice edge flower is so crystal clear that it is indistinguishable from the heavy snow all over the ground."

"And only at noon will the ice edge flowers bloom and reflect colorful colors."

Feng Chu and Meng Luo nodded in understanding, and gave Nalan Yue 1 likes with a thumbs up!
Then just wait another half an hour!

Anyway, idleness is idleness, Feng Chu half-closed his peach blossom eyes half-smiling, smiling like a little fox, "Little Mencius, the title of your wisdom tank has changed!"

Meng Luo glanced at him coldly, "It's a pity that some people have nothing to do with wisdom in their lives!"

"I'll fuck your uncle..." Feng Chu was suddenly angry, didn't he just say something, and despised his IQ again!
But... if you have such a group of highly intelligent partners around you, even if you are not stupid, you will be set off to be extremely stupid!

Apparently he was such an unlucky one!
Nalan Yue looked at the two of them, and couldn't help but support her forehead silently, you said, can we stop arguing!
"Keep your noise down, don't cause an avalanche!" Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, took out the locator, and walked away.

Feng Chu: "..." Damn, can his voice be that powerful?
Meng Luo: "..." I have it!

Nalan Yue walked aside, pointed to the message, but it was empty, and there was no reply from him.

Frowning tightly, he clicked on the locator again with his fingers—the location icon. The little red dot on it was Ye Jin's current location. Because of the distance, the locator did not show a very specific picture.

It's just that there are some lines that roughly identify the major mountain ranges, icebergs, rivers, and so on.

Judging from the coordinates on the locator, Ye Jin should be still at Diyan Volcano at this moment.

So why hasn't he written back to her yet?Nalan Yue's brows furrowed even deeper, and her heart was a little flustered.

For some reason, she always felt that something was going to happen!

After thinking about it, I still couldn't come up with anything. Forget it, the last thing people can do is to scare themselves.

The most important thing to think about now is to complete the task quickly!

At the same time, in a hidden place, two figures were sneakily planting black smoke bombs and explosives into the snow mountain.

Luo Zhenzhen asked Lan Xin'er a little puzzled, "Can this thing really blow up the entire mountain?"

Lan Xin'er glanced at her and sneered with certainty, "Of course!"

The explosives produced by her realm are absolutely guaranteed in quality, and they are infinitely powerful, okay?

——Small moon dividing line——

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon noon came, and the cold sun shone directly on the top of the head.

Nalan Yue and the others also stood up from the snow, spread out, and looked around the empty snow mountain.

Search for where there will be colorful lights.

I couldn't see the appearance of colorful light until my eyes were full of pantothenic acid.

Seeing that the short moment of noon was about to pass, a hint of anxiety secretly floated in the hearts of several people.

If you can't find the ice edge flower now, you have to wait until tomorrow, and there are still three days left before the game!

And that idiom, uh, is the herb of ice and snow, I haven't looked for it yet!

So, how can you not worry!

(End of this chapter)

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