Chapter 321 Something Strange

So how can you not be in a hurry!

"Don't worry, look for it carefully." Nalan Yue compared the map again, it was indeed marked that the Snow Ridge Flower was on this mountain.

So there must be something they missed.

Nalanyue's voice was steady and calm, which made Meng Luo and Feng Chu feel a little restless, and "whoosh" disappeared!
Perhaps this is the protagonist effect, with Nalan Yue around, they decided that everything is not a problem.

Because she, like Ye Jiu, is a monster with high IQ!
Nalan Yue glanced at the two of them, and said in a concentrated voice, "Search carefully, after all, the snow mountain is so big."

The two beautiful boys nodded, and went separately to look for it.

Nalan Yue also walked along the east, looking in all directions, the white snow-capped mountains were extremely cold, and the cold wind was biting.

Just suddenly, Nalan Yue's footsteps stopped, and her eyes fell on the snow under her feet, which had obvious signs of being dug.

Nalan Yue looked around, but there was no one else except the white snow.

How did the traces here come out?

A curious gleam flashed across Nalan Yue's quiet eyes, she squatted down, and stretched out her fingers to grab some snow on the ground.

Putting it on the tip of her nose and smelling it, Nalan Yue couldn't help but frown, why does the snow smell like sulfur?
Just when Nalan Yue wanted to continue digging the snow, Feng Chu shouted, "Here! Colorful lights, snow-rib flowers!"

Coincidentally, with his voice, the mountain peak shook slightly, and piles of snow and snow blocks fell from the top.

Seeing that the snow was about to fall on her body, Nalan Yue couldn't help but slap Feng Chu to death, how many times she said, it is not allowed to shout loudly on the snow mountain.

Sound waves can also cause avalanches!
Even though she complained in her heart, Nalan Yue still stood up like a carp, and moved to the side neatly.

Fortunately, except for some snow and condensed snow, there was no landslide or avalanche.

The falling snow has already covered the snow that smelled like sulfur before, and the smell and location are all gone.

Now even if Nalan Yue wanted to explore, she couldn't.

Over there, the peaks of the snow-capped mountains.Feng Chu and Meng Luo secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and the two scheming whores hiding in the dark also heaved a sigh of relief.

Huh, it's just a little short... the explosives buried under the snow are about to be discovered.

However, now it seems that God is really helping them!
Nalan Yue stood up from the snow, patted the snow on her body, and walked towards the two bear children in an extremely speechless manner.

There is no way to explore the snow that smells like sulfur.

Feng Chu blushed and rubbed her head, looked at Nalan Yue embarrassedly, "I dare not speak anymore."

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu He didn't know that such a thing happened just by shouting lightly.

Meng Luo rolled his eyes at him, and said coolly, "It's good that you have this kind of self-knowledge!"

Feng Chu pouted, with a pair of twinkling peach blossom eyes, the corners of which were raised, "I..."

"Then you are still talking now!" Nalan Yue gave him a white look and interrupted him, "Where is Binglinghua?"

Feng Chu pursed her lips, and pointed to the edge of the snow-capped mountain, "It's over there."

Nalan Yue looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, a flower exuding a colorful halo was beautifully on the cliff behind the snow mountain.

The back of this mountain is like a mirror, straight and smooth, almost reflecting the shadow of a person.

And the ice flower grows on the back of this smooth snow mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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