Chapter 322
And the ice flower grows on the back of this smooth snow mountain,

No wonder I haven't seen it before, this location is so well chosen!
If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it.

"Hurry up and pick it off, it will be thankful after noon!" Nalan Yue turned her head and said to Feng Chu.

The flowering period of Binglinghua is very short, just like a flash in the pan!
At this moment, it was almost noon, and the ice flowers on the cliff wall were gradually dissipating, and the color of the petals was about to fade little by little.

Feng Chu hurriedly walked towards the edge of the snow-capped mountain, he bent down and crawled on the ground, and stretched out his hand cautiously towards Bing Linghua.

The heavy snow was flying all over the sky, and it fell all over him in a short while.

Nalan Yue and Meng Luo stood guard on both sides in case something happened suddenly.

At this time, Fengchu has successfully picked the Bingling Flower. The crystal clear Bingling Flower seems to be made of jade, reflecting the moving colorful light, as if a rainbow is contained in it.

But now it is withering little by little, and it is still at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feng Chu exclaimed, "What can I do!"

Meng Luo also frowned, they didn't prepare any storage containers at all.

"What are you yelling about! Do you want to cause an avalanche?" Nalan Yue folded his arms and took out a jade box and handed it to him, "Put it inside to ensure that it will not rot for five days."

Feng Chu immediately covered her mouth, her charming peach eyes blinked, and took the jade box, "Xiaoyueer's sister-in-law is the most caring!"

Meng Luo couldn't help but said, "If you find a little beauty, it will be more considerate and close to your body!"

Now instead of despising his IQ, despise him for being single?
Feng Chu looked at him bitterly, and also said with contempt, "Don't forget, you are also single!"

Meng Luo was also deflated once, "Uh..."

Ha~ Finally pulled back a round!

Now Nalan Yue has completely ignored the fight between the two of them, took out the map and observed it, it was marked that the herb "ice and snow" is in the extreme south of the snow mountain.

And they are now in the extreme north, and there are three days left. Although it is enough, no one knows if there will be accidents, so it is better to hurry up and start.

"Now it's time to find the last quest item." Nalan Yue's eyes fell on the two bear children.

Feng Chu nodded, then narrowed his peach eyes halfway, and asked suspiciously, "But what does this 'ice and snow' herb look like?"

Nalan Yue shook her head slightly.

Meng Luo also looked puzzled, "I've only heard the name of this herb, and I don't know anything else."

"Ah!" Feng Chujun's face collapsed, even Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law didn't know what he looked like!

Nalan Yue waved her hands at the two of them, her elegant face was indifferent, "Let's go to the southernmost snow peak first."

Anyway, with the huge cheating device of the map in hand, what else do you need to worry about!
Maybe at that time, her character will explode, and the map will directly tell her what this "ice and snow" looks like!

Nalan Yue never imagined that this would come true later on!
The three friends took a short rest before preparing to descend the snow peak and go to the southernmost mountain.

Still the same as before, the three of them walked in a straight line, and the people behind stepped on the footprints of the people in front, descending the snow peak straight.

There is more and more goose feather snow falling. Although it is a downhill road, it can be extremely difficult. Every step must be careful to avoid stepping on the snow layer.

(End of this chapter)

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