Chapter 323 Really Scared the Baby to Death

Just halfway through the walk, there was an accident——"Damn!" Feng Chu who was behind did not know why, and suddenly exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that his whole body was about to be exposed to the snow, and the more he struggled, the faster he fell.

Meng Luo, who was following behind him, hurried forward and pulled him up.

"Both of you stop moving!" Nalan Yue stopped him immediately, and then said to Feng Chu quickly.

"Feng Chu, Nu put the sword in the snow, remember not to move too violently!"

Feng Chu immediately followed her instructions, pulled out the saber she was carrying, and plunged into the snow, her body did not sink any more!

Taking advantage of the trend, the whole person jumped up, took a breath, and patted his little heart, "I really scared the baby to death!"

Meng Luo frowned and stared at him puzzled, "What did you do?"

Nalan Yue also looked at him.

It stands to reason that she, the leader who walked at the front, didn't sink in. He followed her and stepped on her footprints. Presumably, there should be no danger!
"Originally, I walked well..." Feng Chu panted, and said angrily, "But suddenly I saw someone sneaking around and didn't know what they were doing, and my mind was distracted, so I stepped on the snow by mistake..."


Nalan Yue and Meng Luo looked around together, not to mention people, not even a grass!

At the same time, their feet were trembling, becoming more and more violent, and even accompanied by a thunderous sound.

Feng Chu hurriedly covered his mouth and gestured to tidy up, this time it was definitely not caused by his sound waves!
Da~ The Lun family has a very quiet voice!
Nalanyue didn't have the time to watch him act cute at the moment, she exchanged glances with Meng Luo who was beside her, and both of them had a trace of dignity in their eyes.

They said in unison, "It's a real avalanche!"

Nalan Yue quickly pulled Feng Chu who was still smiling, "Cover your mouth and nose to prevent the snow from entering, get down quickly."

Now that the danger has come, they must rely on the buffer time of a few seconds to quickly descend the snow-capped mountain!

At this time, the vibration of the snow-capped mountain peak became more and more violent, and snow and some ice cubes "cough" fell from the top!
Rumbling sound!

At this time, Feng Chu also realized the seriousness of this time, and it was not a trivial matter like before, so she immediately covered her mouth and nose like Meng Luo.

The three of them were about to dive down the mountain as if they were galloping.

It's a pity that the snow mountain peaks made a louder sound than before, rumbling!Rumble!
It sounded like a bomb, and there was a smell of sulfur all around.

Immediately, the snow covered the mountain suddenly flew up, and huge ice cubes rose up, all pouring over the sky and covering the earth.

That speed is comparable to a tsunami tornado!
The entire mountain is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Boom!" The sound continued, it was obviously the sound of explosives!
Because Nalan Yue is good at medicine and is extremely sensitive to smells, she also thinks of the Sulfur Snow Field and Feng Chu who said there were sneaky people.

All this shows that it is man-made!
Someone wanted to blow up the mountain and kill the three of them!

Naturally, Meng Luo also saw it, and gritted his teeth, "Who the hell wants to do this! Fengchu, have you seen the appearance of that person clearly?"

He even thought of the damaging move of blowing up a mountain. You must know that even though you are blowing up this snow peak, it is very likely that the whole snow mountain will be affected!
Feng Chu shook his head, almost jumping his feet in anger, "No, but it looks like a woman."

 The author said: There are three more chapters ~ Meme da ~ Blow a kiss ~
(End of this chapter)

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