Chapter 324 How Deep Is This?

Meng Luoxiu frowned, and said speculatively, "Could it be Luo Zhenzhen?"

Now she is the only one who is the most likely, and she still has a great motive for committing the crime!
Nalan Yue's face was tense, and she thought about everything carefully.

Although Luo Zhenzhen is very suspicious, but where did she get so many explosives, so this must be premeditated!

Anyway, this thing is kind of weird!

The speed of the collapse of the mountain was getting faster and faster, and it was almost overwhelming. Snowdrifts, snow and ice fell down unceremoniously.

The three of them could only run fast, and had to avoid these falling ice and snowdrifts.

But the speed of the fall was so fast that the snow under their feet shattered almost instantly.

The cracks split apart like a spider's web!
The most unlucky thing is that in the end, a thick black mist rose around, and the thickness almost surrounded the entire mountain peak.

The line of sight was greatly obstructed!

The three of Nalan Yue were immediately scattered by the rolling snow and ice.

After rushing away, Feng Chu and Meng Luo rolled towards an unknown place, and Nalan Yue could not be seen in the thick black mist.

The two exclaimed, "Sister-in-law Xiaoyue'er..."

The sound was quickly drowned out in a thunderous explosion.

In the vast darkness, where she couldn't see her fingers, Nalan Yue could barely hear their voices, and hurriedly shouted, "Feng Chu? Meng Luo?"

"where are you?"

Likewise, the sound was drowned out by the roar!

The surrounding area was surrounded by thick black fog, and she couldn't see anything clearly. Nalan Yue could feel the snow under her feet collapsing step by step!
We must rush in to save ourselves!

But in the vast black mist, she couldn't see her fingers, and she couldn't judge where the safe place was.

Wait... Nalan Yue's small ears moved slightly, and she heard the slight sound of something falling and rubbing against the air on the left.

Get out of here!At this moment, Nalan Yue didn't care about whether there was any danger nearby, so she quickly lowered her body and dodged to the side.

"Bang—" On the right, where Nalan Yue was just now, a big snowball fell and rolled down.

Nalanyue breathed a sigh of relief, and sadly found that she missed a space, and fell magnificently towards an unknown place!
"Little Phoenix, can you see something?" Nalan Yue hurriedly communicated with a few friends in the space with spiritual connection.

The little guys all shook their heads anxiously, "No, no, I can't see anything!"

The black mist was indeed too thick, and Nalan Yue's whole body was still sinking.

I stretch out my arms, but I can't feel anything around, it seems to be empty, even the snow is gone!

The temperature is not as cold as before! weird!
Nalan Yue couldn't help but feel apprehensive in her heart, there was still darkness in front of her eyes, she couldn't see where she was at the moment!
The speed of the sinking was still going on, and there was the sound of the wind in his ears, Nalan Yue also tried to use his spiritual energy to fight around, but there was nothing but a muffled sound!
But Nalan Yue's eyes suddenly showed a touch of astonishment, such a muffled voice was not the sound of hitting the snow at all!
That was clearly the sound of hitting the dirt, so that means she is underground now?

It's still close to the ground below the soil, I'll wipe it, such a thick snow-capped mountain, she's actually approaching the deep layer of the soil!

Aww, how deep is this! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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