Chapter 326

Otherwise, it must be blah... You must know that this little witch used to be so bad-tempered, with an extremely black belly!
Looking at the fainted Nalan Yue again, a hint of amusement flashed across the masked face of the young man.

Good luck girl!

If you don't want the things delivered to your door, you can't blame others!

But don't disappoint that stinky guy's intentions, well, my national teacher admits, I'm just jealous of you!

——The dividing line of the national division——

At the same time, the entire snow mountain peak has been completely messed up by the explosives and the avalanche caused by the explosives.

At this time, the thick black smoke had already dissipated, and the true face of the snow mountain was revealed again.

But it was shocking—the snow that was originally flat was rolling, and it was in such a mess as if it had experienced a world war!
Suddenly, a nearby piece of snow was slowly surging, as if something was about to come out!

Then, I saw an arm protruding from it, and I knew it should be a man's arm, strong and covered with bloodstains.

Gradually, his whole body came out of the snow, and his whole body was covered in mud and snow. He was extremely embarrassed!
It was Monroe!

Meng Luo coughed quickly and patted his chest vigorously before taking a breath and realizing what had happened.

It was caused by an avalanche, an explosion of a mountain, or someone using a bomb on purpose!
What about Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law and Fengchu!

Meng Luo was startled, and quickly looked around. It was a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was no one there!
It was as if he was the only one left in the world, surrounded by deathly silence!

Oops!Meng Luo groaned secretly, he didn't care about the injuries all over his body, and whether there would be another avalanche in the snow mountain, he hurriedly looked for the two of them around.

It is not easy to find two people in such a big snow mountain, and there are still two people who may be buried in the snow!

Meng Luo unleashed his strong spiritual power to explore, and even let his natal contracted beast—Mengmeng, a little fox with nine tails.

Let's find the two together!

Looking at the snow covered mountains, Meng Luo felt a great sense of fear from the bottom of his heart for the first time!
He couldn't imagine what would happen to Ye Jin if Nalan Yue disappeared like this!
As for Feng Chu... that funny comparison will definitely harm Yi Qian for a thousand years!

See, this is a complete loss of friends!

"Here!" The cute little fox yelled at its master, then stretched out its two front paws and began to shovel the snow.

Meng Luo quickly walked forward, squatted down, and helped dig together.

Soon, with the cooperation of one person and one fox, they dug tens of meters before they could even get to the corner of the person's clothes. The conspicuous bright red clothes were obviously Fengchu's!

A hint of disappointment rose in Meng Luo's heart, it was not Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law~ But the action of digging snow did not slow down.

Instead, he dug faster and faster. After a while, Feng Chu was lifted out by him, and he stuffed a pill into his mouth.

It was the western medicine that Nalan Yue had sold at the auction before, and the medicine Nalan Yue had made herself. The efficacy of the medicine was amazing!

No, Feng Chu slowly opened a pair of peach blossom eyes after a few minutes, and coughed fiercely, obviously a lot of snow entered his mouth and nose.

Meng Luo grabbed him, Feng Chu coughed and looked at him puzzled, he didn't see that he was like this, little Mencius is going crazy!

Meng Luo ignored him, and asked solemnly, "Sister-in-law Xiaoyue'er is gone! Have you seen her?"

 The author said: The eighth update is over ~ gray gray ~ good night friends ~ I will also talk about the update, the minimum six updates are guaranteed every day, try to be eight updates ~ as long as you are not busy, it must be the eighth update!Well~Thank you for your support~

  Thank you, Puzi Guoguo for your tip, Xiao Yuanzi, shallow love is not sad, Luo Ying, for your tip!Whata~ Blow a kiss~
(End of this chapter)

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