Chapter 327

"What!" Feng Chu couldn't help exclaiming, Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law had disappeared!

"I didn't see it. After being separated, I never saw her again!"

time oh!It's over, with how much Ye Jin treats Nalan Yue's baby, they must be killed!
"Then why don't you go find it!" Meng Luo also let go of him with a look of disappointment on his face, and then roared again, not caring whether the sound waves would affect the landslide!
, must find Nalanyue before Ye Jin knows, otherwise he will be suspicious if he sees that Nalanyue is not within range on the locator!
You must know that the signal of the locator will be blocked if it is crushed under heavy snow!

At this time, the left and right protectors who had been secretly protecting Nalan Yue also slowly crawled out from the snow, and the two of them were covered in snow.

Meng Luo hurriedly asked the two, "Have you seen Yue'er?"

The guardians on the left and right shook their heads anxiously, they had been secretly protecting them all the time, but when the smoke bomb evaporated, Nalan Yue disappeared from their sight.

Meng Luo calmed down, and said calmly in the face of danger, "Don't say anything now, look for it quickly!"

Fengchu looked south, and the left and right guardians went east and west, while he and the little fox Mengmeng were in charge of the north.

Meng Luo looked up at the sun that was about to set in the west, and his heart was shrouded in bad premonition bit by bit, almost making him unable to breathe.

No, absolutely not, sister-in-law Xiao Yueyue is so kind, definitely, definitely not again!

Son, only you will think that Nalan Yue is kind...

——Yemen God Dividing Line——

At the same time, a slender and tall figure stood at the fiery volcano.

He is elegant and graceful, his handsome face is like a god in Nordic mythology, and his black robes are all over the world.

At this time, Ye Jin had completed the task of picking the Flame Soul Grass, took off the gloves made by her own princess, and put them into the space together.

He took out the locator and was going to send her a message. He heard the locator beeping before, but at that time he was fighting with the guardian beast of the Flame Soul Grass, and he was at a loss for two.

Click on the information of the locator——Xiao Yue'er: God of the Night, what's up.

Ye Jin gently raised the corners of her lips, with that smile that only people in love can have, and raised her hand to type.

Xiaoyue'er, I'll go find you right away.

Click the "send" button, but the message can't be sent, and it still shows that it is not in the service area.

Ye Jin's fingers tightened immediately, his brows furrowed, and his heart was once again shrouded in that ominous premonition.

Little by little, it is almost swallowing people up!
Ye Jin hurriedly clicked on the location icon, the little red dot that originally represented Nalan Yue disappeared, and it also showed that she was not in the service area!
What happened to Yue'er!

Ye Jin's eyes were faintly scarlet, bloodthirsty, suppressed rage, especially with the dark red volcano behind him, making him even more dangerous!

No, it is impossible for Yue'er to be in danger!

It's impossible!

"Bang—" In a rage, Ye Jin directly patted the sleeping volcano.

The unstable volcano immediately rumbled, the magma erupted, and the temperature rose steadily!
But Ye Jin knew better than anyone else that there were only two possibilities if the locator showed that she was not in the service area!
First, the locator was robbed, and the previous owner's mark was erased.

Second, the owner of the locator is in danger.

He would rather be the first possibility!
Ye Jin's eyes tightened, her fists clenched tightly and her joints clenched, "Yue'er wait for me, I won't let anything happen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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