Chapter 328 What is Illusion

Ye Jin's eyes tightened, her fists clenched tightly and her joints clenched, "Yue'er wait for me, I won't let anything happen to you!"

Suddenly disappeared in the erupting flame volcano!

Fengchu, Meng Luo and the others were still searching the snow-capped mountains until the sun was about to set, but they still couldn't find Nalanyue.

The bleak atmosphere was as if Nalan Yue had disappeared into this world for no reason!

——Small moon dividing line——

Now switch the screen to Nalan Yue's side!
In the dark space, it was very silent.

Nalan Yue was lying on the ground, her thick black eyelashes were long and curly, and a small shadow hung down in her eyes.

In the space bracelet, a few little guys screamed to go out, "Master, wake up! Wake up!"

Perhaps it was the voices of a few little guys that woke her up, Nalan Yue's tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

There was severe pain in both hands, and the backs of the hands were bruised, and the painful head woke up in an instant.

Nalan Yue's eyes were fixed before she could see the surrounding scene clearly, she couldn't help being startled.

Fuck, where is this!
It seems that she fell into a coma after hearing the strange sound of the piano, but it is impossible to fall in this place!

It should be a dark underground, how could it be like this!

Now, there is heaven and earth around here, auspicious clouds are shrouded, and there is a chain bridge, and she is at the other end of the chain bridge.

Behind her is a cliff wall and the chain bridge hangs between the two cliffs.

But Nalan Yue saw something strange, that is - there was no movement here!
No movement does not mean no sound, but everything around seems to be fictional!

The grass beside her was motionless, and even the clouds floating in the sky were still!

This is simply too unreasonable!
"Little Phoenix, do you know what's going on?" Nalan Yue asked the little guys in the space.

Several little phoenixes said in unison, "I don't know, I was in this place as soon as I woke up!"

Wow, the sound of the piano is really weird.

Even the little guys at the level of beasts in the space have been recruited!

Then she is in this inexplicable place now, how anxious Feng Chu and Boy Meng Luo should be!
It's over, she has to notify Ye Xing first, lest those two bear children look for her all over the snow mountain.

I took out the locator, and just turned it on, but a line of words appeared on the palm-sized screen-no model, not in the service area!

Oh, what about Miss Wan, right?

Nalan Yue was extremely depressed, turned on the phone several times, and walked around, but the locator still had no signal!

At this time, Xiaobai spoke thoughtfully, softly, with eyes of different colors blinking, very cute, "Master, maybe this is an illusion, that's why the signal of the locator is blocked!"

fantasy?What is that?
Nalan Yue's head popped out to say hello, Khan!It seems that when I go back, I still have to study hard!
The little dagger also spoke faintly, his voice could not hide his excitement, "Indeed, this place is very likely to be the illusion condensed by the senior!"

"What is the illusion!" Nalan Yue frowned and stood up from the ground, looking at her bruised hands again.

Damn, this must have happened before!

"My lord, why don't you know anything, are you from the mainland?" Xiao Fenghuang and the other little guys despised it together!

Nalan Yue: "..." Uh, she really isn't from Luoyue Continent!
You guys are telling the truth!
(End of this chapter)

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