Chapter 337 The Seventh Gate
As for why!

It's because the location where these herbs are planted seems to be an ancient formation.

Every herb has the potential to be an eye, pull out one, and maybe she will be lying here sideways in the next second!
This kind of ancient formation is that she accidentally saw the master solving this kind of formation again. She didn't know whether the master solved it in the end, but it only took two or three days.

Seeing that there are only three days left to the end of the imperial city competition, it is impossible for her to stay here to solve the formation!

What's more, she has a specialization in surgery, so she doesn't know much about formations at all!

So life is precious, and if there are no medicinal materials, you can find them again. The task now is to get the inheritance and get out here!

Nalan Yue glanced painfully at the extinct herbs all over the ground, turned around and walked towards the door ahead.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth.It feels like a piece of delicious meat dangles in front of a hungry person, but you have to look at it dangling in front of your eyes!

This feeling of aggrieved... Enough!
The few little guys in the space looked at their master's sad little face, and couldn't help reminding, "Master, as long as you can live the inheritance of the illusion, these things are simply easy to grab!"

right!Nalan Yue's eyes lit up, anyway, no matter how you say it, it's still the same sentence, anyway, it's destined to come here.

Take one step at a time, watch one step at a time, and then... stage a frightening step by step?
I complained in my heart, Nalan Yueren had already arrived at the door, and this time the door was pale golden like the previous one.

Push open the door, enter, and close it without exception, and then I can't let go.

This is to tell you clearly that you can only advance but not retreat, friends, let's go forward!
This is already the third door, behind this door there are many bright and shiny things, which should be used for refining weapons.

There are two elements of gold and fire in the attributes of the God of the Night, and he also told her that he is a craftsman, so all these things will be gone later... Wow!

It's just a pity that, just like before, the arrangement is according to some ancient formation.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, fuck you, if you don't want others to take it, then don't put it here ostentatiously!
Damn, isn't this purely a crime of inducing people to commit crimes!

However, let you stay here for a while, anyway, sister is bound to win you!
Nalanyue raised the corners of her lips slightly, and continued to walk forward, looking at the closed door not far away - Nalanyue secretly thought, maybe there is a treasure inside!
Sure enough, when the fourth door was opened, there was a pond filled with colorful heart lotus!
There was still a door ahead, Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, folded her arms and continued to walk forward.

Today, my sister will spend with you, let's see how many doors are there!

The fifth door, the magic crystal, the essence of the magic crystal!

The sixth door, all kinds of exercises books!
The seventh door, uh, doesn't have any treasures!

Nalan Yue is currently standing behind the seventh door, her clear eyes glance around again in disbelief, and there is really nothing there!

No, no, there is!It's etched on the wall!

Long and long, the pale golden walls were engraved with big characters in flamboyant and phoenix dances, each and every word was extremely unfamiliar, and it was not the common language of Luoyue Continent!

But Nalan Yue discovered that she could understand it herself!

Obviously she has never seen these strange words before, but it seems that she can automatically translate them in her mind!

(End of this chapter)

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