Chapter 338

She could clearly understand the meaning of every word and sentence.

It's like a very unfamiliar English sentence, but you can understand the meaning just by looking at it!
Nalan Yue felt this way at the moment!
With her super memory, Nalan Yue looked at the wall at a glance.

Walk from the far left to the far right, remember these unfamiliar but extremely familiar words in your mind, and digest them silently later!

Hey, although she can't take away the things in those doors before, she can write down the words engraved on the wall, even though she can't take them away either!
Then came the eighth door. Nalan Yue took a light breath and strode forward.

There was an inexplicable strange feeling in her heart, a faint feeling that she would soon come to an end!

Aww~ To be honest, her intuition has become very strange recently, and everything she sees feels very familiar!
Pushing open the eighth door, Nalan Yue thought it would be a rare treasure, but what surprised her was—it turned out to be a box of women's dresses and jewelry!

Each piece is extremely gorgeous and exquisite, as if it was made by Zhinu herself, as if she has collected all the exquisite things in the world!

Looking at the past, wipe, it is estimated that there are thousands of boxes.

What the hell is this rhythm?

Could it be that the owner of this Condensed Illusion is a woman, and she is also the kind who loves beauty so much, that's why she collects boxes of gorgeous clothes and jewelry?

Nalan Yue rubbed her chin and thought for a while, but still didn't come up with anything, so you can't guess the mentality of an expert!

Pick up a piece of clothing, a lake blue pleated fringed skirt, every stitch is ingenious, and the silver thread is wrapped with bright shark tears!

Compare, why this dress seems to be tailor-made for her, and the owner seems to like blue very much, two-thirds of the clothes are blue, all kinds of dark blue and light blue!

Well, maybe, this woman's figure is about the same as hers!

But Nalan Yue did not expect that all the coincidences in this world are the result of careful calculation!
Putting down the clothes that she couldn't take away at all, Nalan Yue walked directly to the ninth door.

I don't know why the inexplicable feeling in Nalan Yue's heart screamed again, her subconscious mind was telling her that this is the last door!
It's strange, she doesn't know why she feels this way!
Forget it, don't you know if you open it and take a look!
Nalan Yue stretched out her hand and pushed open the ninth door. The door opened slightly, and inside was a small room.

And the ninth door that had been opened at this time seemed to be impatient, and was about to close again——Nalan Yue immediately ran in dodge.

Damn, a door is also tempered, really drunk!
The ninth door was indeed as Nalan Yue intuited, it was the last door, and there was no door ahead!
Finally, there is no need to explore one after another like an adventure!
Nalan Yue took a deep breath and looked around with clear eyes.

This is a very quiet room. There is a low tea table with a cup of tea on it. A cup is filled with tea, and a faint mist rises.

Nalan Yue continued to look to the left, and there was an old man sitting cross-legged on the soft cushion on the ground.

The old man has a childlike face and hefa, he looks like an old urchin, his eyes are closed at this moment, as if he is in the middle of cultivation!

Nalan Yue's eyes widened suddenly, this...isn't this the old man who played tricks on her on the magic bridge before!

Just in time to ask him about those doubts before!
(End of this chapter)

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