Chapter 342 The Mystery in the Seventh Gate
This time I just came to verify it. After all, the old man, I am also getting old, and my memory has suffered a lot.

If he were to admit his mistake and misplaced the illusion into someone else's hands, he would definitely be beaten to death by someone!
Actually, grandpa, you just admit it, you want to tease the little witch!
Nalan Yue froze for a moment, this... so easy to get the illusion?
At the same time, does it mean that all the babies in it belong to her?

Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the system? !

Nalan Yue thought for a while, then asked again, "Is that also possible to remove the illusion?"

It would be great if the illusion could be moved into the space bracelet!
The old man nodded with a smile, playing with his knee-length white beard, "Your phoenix bracelet can indeed hold the entire illusion!"

Nalan Yue frowned, and looked at him warily, "How do you know it's the Phoenix bracelet?"

This old man is... really weird!
"I have piercing eyes!" The old man stroked his beard again, and there was a trace of teasing in his clear eyes, "Also, little girl, don't look at me with such eyes, huh, I haven't seen any treasure from the Lun family before!"

Nalan Yue: "..."

That's right, there are so many treasures in this illusion, if the old man really started to spy, he probably would have done it as early as the beginning!
"Then how to get out?" Nalan Yue asked again, frowning slightly.

Well, although he failed to get the inheritance of the master of the illusion, he became the real master of the illusion.

But how do you get out?
The old man gave her a blank look, "The illusion is yours now, as long as you want to go out, you can go out naturally!"

ha?Get out if you want?
Nalan Yue rubbed her chin and turned her clear eyes. Does this mean that she said silently in her heart, I want to go out, I want to go out, so I can go out?
Well... try it, it won't hurt!
Immediately afterwards, Nalan Yue closed her eyes, focused her mind, and said silently in her heart: "Get out..."

At this time, the old man interrupted her, "Don't rush out, take out the things in the seventh door first, otherwise you won't be able to get out the things in another place!"

Nalan Yue immediately opened her clear eyes, and a trace of puzzlement flashed across her, "What is it?".

She remembered that there was nothing on the seventh door, only some strange characters on the wall!

The old man smiled like an autumn chrysanthemum, his black eyes didn't look muddy at all, instead they became brighter, "Secret!"

"Boring!" Nalan Yue rolled her eyes directly, "Then let's go now!"

The old man nodded, and his faint soul floated towards Nalan Yue.

"By the way, you haven't said how your soul was injured!", Nalan Yue suddenly thought of the question he was asked at first, but he didn't answer.

Anyway, this old grandpa looks pretty good, amiable, maybe she can mend his soul!

The old man's originally smiling cheeks dimmed instantly, and he revealed a wry smile, "This is the only half of my soul left, and I don't know where the other half has gone!"

"Only this illusion can keep my body and half of my soul alive!"

Nalan Yue nodded slightly, it turned out to be like this, if the simple soul was injured, it could be repaired with some rare treasures.

But if half of it is missing, then the soul must be found back!
"As long as you are still on this continent, you will definitely find it!" Nalan Yue smiled at him comfortingly.

"I'm not worried, because you will definitely find it for me!" The old man smiled like a little fox.

(End of this chapter)

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